Part 84

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After we finished up breakfast Aubrey and I gathered everything we were gonna take with us on our honeymoon. Her destination of choice, Hawaii. I wasn't complaining. Anywhere with her would be just fine with me. I grab our luggage and put it in the car. "Babe, are you ready? Don't forger we have to pick your parents up and take them to the airport too" I shout up the stairs to her. "I'm ready!" She says and makes her way downstairs. "You look beautiful babe" I say and she smiles. "Thanks handsome." I take her hand and get her door and then we make our way to pick her parents up from their hotel. We get to the airport and walk with them to their gate. Our plane wasn't scheduled to leave for a couple hours. We checked in their bags and then sat down to chat and wait for them to call boarding for that flight. I was talking to her dad and Aubrey was talking to her mom. "You take care of her for me Bruno" - "Si señor" I say using some of the tiny bit of Spanish I know. I quickly hope he doesn't answer in Spanish cause I may not know what he said. He looks at me and laughs then says "Muy bien." - "Hey, I understand that" I say and this time we both laugh. Then I hear Aubrey's voice. "Daddy I'm gonna go get something to drink. You want something?" Before thinking I responded. "No baby I'm good" and at the same time I hear her dad say "No mija I'm good" Shit! I fucked up. I looked up at Aubrey. Embarrassment written all over her face. I didn't dare look at her parents so I stayed focused on her? I tried to play it off. "Why you looking at me like that baby? I just answered your question. You said, baby I'm gonna go get something to drink. You want something?" And tried to look oblivious. Her mom started laughing and then Aubrey did too. "Bruno, I said daddy, but I was gonna ask you too baby" she said smiling, doing her best to play it off after her face of embarrassment. I laugh and say "Oh, wow! I'm sorry baby. You're dad and I were in the middle of laughing. I didn't hear right" Thankfully he started laughing too. I was so nervous, I started sweating like crazy. But now we were all laughing. "Why don't I go get us some drinks and gather my embarrassment" I say and get up to go. They all laughed but I felt so bad. I couldn't believe I just did that. Aubrey's heart probably stopped in that moment. I know mine did.

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