Part 64

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After the show that night I called Aubrey. "Hey babe" she said when she answered. "Hey baby squirrel. Whatcha doing?" - "Just working on some designs and watching TV" - "Oooo sounds like fun. I wanna watch TV with you" I said and she laughed. "You're such a dork Bruno" - "I know, I know. But I really do wanna watch TV with you right now. I mean don't get me wrong. I love being on tour. But I miss you. I wish I could be with you right now. We wasted enough time. I should be home with you and we should be planning our wedding." I say. "I know babe, soon okay? Just enjoy your tour, your fans. Have fun out there. You're living your dream! We'll be able to spend more time together when it's over. Don't think about that. Just enjoy seeing the world babe" she says and that makes me smile. It feels so good that she understands my life and isn't worried about all the things Chanel worried about. "Alright babe. I love you so much. It feels good to have your full support like this" - "Awww babe, I love you too. That's what I'm here for baby, to support you in all you do. I always have been Bruno. You know that." - "I know baby squirrel...and I love you so much more for that reason" I tell her. "You better" she says and we both laugh. "So how was your day?" I asked her. "It was okay I guess. Didn't do a whole lot. I went to your apartment but then I started to miss you too much and decided to leave. It was harder than I expected being there without you to be honest" - "Awww babe. I'm sorry." - "Don't be Bruno. I'm okay...I know you'll be home soon. I did run into Chanel outside your apartment as I was leaving though" she said taking me by surprise.

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