Part 101

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Aubrey's POV...

When we left the doctor's office Bruno was so beyond excited. He couldn't contain his happiness. He had the biggest smile on his face. "I just wanna shout to the world that my baby is gonna have my baby" he almost yelled. "Ssshhh babe! You can't tell the whole world before we tell our parents! They would kill us" I said and laughed. He laughed too and said "Good point! Mom would definitely kill me if she found out via social media that we were having a baby. We need to tell them all ASAP baby" - "Should we call them now Bru?" - "How about we hurry home and get them all on video chat to tell them? It would be ideal to tell them in person. But I don't know if the nurse that helped us will keep this kinda thing hushed you know? I know it's her job not to disclose patient information but you just never know baby" - "Sounds good to me Bru" I said. When we were on the way home Bruno got a call from Jaime. He was driving so he answered and put it on speaker. "Hey Bruno, guess who's here?" - "I don't know Jame, who?" Bruno asked. "Heellloooo" a familiar voice said in the phone. Bruno and I looked at each other and smiled. "Mom! You're in town?! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" - "I don't have to tell you everything. I'm the parent, not the other way around" she said and laughed. We both laughed too. Bernie was such a ray of sunshine. She had the ability to put everyone in the best of moods. "Alright mom. How about dinner at our place tonight. Aubrey and I would like to see everyone" - "Alright honey. We will be there for dinner....and tomorrow, you're taking me to Disneyland" she said and laughed again. Bruno laughed with her and said "Whatever you want mom. You know I gotchu. See you soon. Love you!" - "Love you too" she said and hung up. "Well, I guess we won't have to be video chatting with her" I said. "I guess not.... Baby, I know it sounds crazy, but do you think your parents would be up for flying to LA for the night to have dinner with us? Pops is already here with Eric. We're just missing your parents. Then we could tell them all together in person." - "I don't know babe. Maybe. I could ask them." - "No baby, let me do it" he said. I smiled "What do you have up your sleeve?" - "You know me so well" is all he said. At the next light he found my dads number in his phone then dialed it and put it on speaker. When my dad answered he put his finger to his mouth to tell me to keep quite. "Hello Mr. Sandoval! How are you today sir?" - "I'm good son just working" - "Right, of course. I'm so sorry to bother you at work. It's just, well, Aubrey has really been missing you guys a lot lately and I know this is crazy, but I was wondering if you and Mrs. Sandoval would mind getting flown out to LA tonight to surprise her and have dinner with us?" He said. He wasn't lying, I really did miss them. But I never would have thought to fly them to LA for a night. It was just too much. But for this, I felt like it was worth it. There was a pause on the other end of the phone and it made me so nervous. Then finally he said "Of course Bruno. We would love to come down and have dinner with you and my daughter. I can see if I can leave work early so we can make it in time" I smiled so big at Bruno and he smiled back. "Great! Thank you Mr. Sandoval. Aubrey will be thrilled. I'll call back with the details in about an hour or so" - "Okay son, be safe" he said and hung up.

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