Part 120

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Where do I even start I asked myself. Aubrey's eyes were on me and then she crossed her arms in front of her. "Well?" - "Okay, well first I wanna apologize for not coming home on time. Because regardless of my reason, I still didn't make it. I still left you waiting and I am truly, deeply sorry for that. I promise you that if you let me, I will make it up to you." I said looking into her eyes. I proceeded on with telling her everything. From when I made it to the studio, Phil telling me about Urbana, me forgetting my phone, the fans and lastly Chanel and that stupid ass kiss. "Wow! Hold on just let me take a second to take all that in" she said. I sat there quiet giving her a chance to think about what she was gonna say. After a moment she started talking again. "Okay, after we are done talking, remind me to call Phil and tell him how much I love him for always looking out for us." she said with a smile on her face. "As for you not coming home. You were trying to be there for your boy and I get that. I forgive you for that but you got some major kissing up to do before you're on my good side again because the fact remains that I waited and waited for you and you never showed. Also, next time it would be nice of you to not forget your phone so you can at least let me know what's good. Had you let me know you were with Phil and told me about Urbana and him. I would have been cool with it. I wouldn't have been here waiting like a dummy. As for Chanel, I'm sorry for the language I'm about to use. Hopefully the baby isn't listening but this has to be said. Chanel's got me fucked up if she thinks she can just kiss you whenever the fuck she wants. Those lips are mine, not hers, hell they aren't even yours, they are mine! Do you hear me? Mine! I got something for her ass! She better hope that I never run into her!" I didn't say anything. I just looked at her and smiled. "Don't smile Bruno. I am so serious right now!" - "I know baby. I know. I's cute to see you angry and jealous. All of this, I've just never seen this side of you." I said still smiling. "So you think I'm cute when I'm mad and jealous?" - "I do." - "Well I hope you don't plan on making me mad and jealous all the time because let me tell you something. It will not be good for you!" I chuckled and said "No baby, course not." - "Good! We're done here!" she said and flipped her hair back over her shoulder. I laughed. "Are you dissmising me baby?" She looked at me and smiled and said "Yes!" - "Well, I just spent a whole night without you and I don't wanna be dismissed. I wanna hold you and kiss you. So I'm gonna have to end all that sexy ass, bossy little attitude right now" I said and moved in to kiss her.

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