Part 89

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I poured her some wine and we had our little picnic. Then I took her hand and walked her over near the edge of the cliff. I could tell she was nervous. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt her relax as she took in the view and together we watched the sunset on my beautiful Hawaiian island. "I've never seen anything more beautiful Bruno" - "I have baby... you" I whispered softly in her ear. I felt her whole body quiver in my arms and a smile came across my face. I turned her to face me and she was blushing. I lifted her chin up to look at me and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It was such a perfect moment. Kissing her in the midst of this beautiful sunset. I wished I could have captured it in a picture. I pulled away and she was breathless. I looked into her eyes and I saw need. She needed me just as I needed her. I wanted to make her mine again, right here, right now. But I wasn't sure if she would be okay with that....and I was actually scared to ask. I took her hand and led her the short distance back the our little picnic spot. She just watched me for a moment as I slowly started to put everything away. Then finally she said  "B.....what are you doing?" - "Packing up so we can go back to the boat baby" I said looking back at her. "Oh" she said and looked down at the ground biting her bottom lip. I could tell she wanted to say something but she didn't. I got up and walked over to her. I lifted her chin so she could look me in the eyes and said "What is it Aubrey? Talk to me baby!" - "It's just that... I mean... You had a nice little set up.... And it's so romantic up here and.... Nevermind." She said pulling her chin from my hand and turning away. Wait, was she thinking about the same thing I was thinking about? "Baby, look at me. Tell me, please?" - "I just.... I mean, I thought we were in the moment...I kinda thought you were gonna ummmm...." She stopped  talking. "You kinda thought we were gonna make love here on this cliff with the beautiful view and sunset?" I asked with a half smirk. Her face flushed red with embarrassment as she nodded her head 'Yes' and I smiled and hugged her. "Baby, I do wanna do that. I just wasn't sure you'd go for it. So I didn't say anything. I was thinking of you." - "You think too much, you know that?" She said catching me of gaurd and we both laughed. She looked up at me with that shy smile she has and said, "We just need to live in the moment B. our moment" then kissed me. I depened the  kiss. We sat on the blanket and she laid down. I climbed on top of her and we made out for a minute. Her fingers were running through my hair and we were both breathing heavily.

Author's Note: I update the chapter after this before this one. My apologies. Please read this one then re-read chapter 90 lol! Love y'all! Don't forget to comment and vote please!

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