Part 74

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Aubrey's POV...

The next morning I was woken up by a knock on the door. I looked at the clock and it says 7:00AM on the dot. I'm usually up before this. I guess sleeping wrapped in Bruno's arms made it easy to sleep in. I grabbed a big T-shirt and slipped it over my head and then grabbed my robe and tied it on. I walked to the door and opened it. "Alex, what are you doing here?" - "Hey, I just, I wanted to see how you're doing. That's all." - "You could have called, or texted." I say. "Yeah, I know, but I wanted to see you. Can I come in?" - "Alex, it's really not a good time right now" I say but I see he's not looking at me anymore. He's looking behind me. I turn around to see Bruno standing there with a sheet wrapped around his waist. He looks so hot that I bite my lip just looking at him. For a moment I forget that Alex was even here. I was so stuck on how hot Bruno looked. He started walking towards the door and I hear Alex say "So it's true. You're together now? You're marrying him?" I turn back to face Alex but before I can answer him Bruno is behind me with his arms wrapped around me and says "Yeah, its true. She's gonna be my wife. It's only a matter of weeks." I can feel his breath in my ear when he says that and it makes me weak. Once again I forget that Alex is here and he's standing right in front of me. "Well, you didn't waste any time" Alex said making me snap back to reality. "What did you say to her?" Bruno said and I felt him release me and try to get in Alex's face but I stopped him. "Bruno, please! Let me handle this baby. I'm fine! And Alex shut up!" - "No Aubrey he's trying to disrespect you" - "Baby, please? For me?" I pleaded and he sighed. "Fine, I'll back off. But if he says anything else I swear babe." - "I know babe. Thank you." I say and Bruno walks into the kitchen. I turn my attention back to Alex and glare at him. "Alex what the hell is wrong with you?" - "You said you weren't leaving me for him Aubrey." - "I didn't. I left you because I didn't love you." - "Bullshit! You left me for him! I knew it!" - "Watch your mouth Alex!" I say and he sighs. "I'm sorry. It just hurts so see you with him okay? I mean, I knew. I told you I knew. But it still hurts." - "I know. I get it. But I didn't ask you to come here." - "I know, I just wanted to see you. I miss you." - "Alex, please. Don't do this." - "What? We can't be friends Aubrey?" - "I don't think that's a good idea Alex." I say and I could see hurt in his face. I couldn't be his friend because I knew he wanted more. He sighed and said "Okay. Fine! I'm glad you're happy Aubrey. If he ever hurts you, let me know and I'll kick his ass for you." We both laughed and I said "I don't think that will be necessary. But thank you Alex." - "So I guess this is goodbye? Can I have a hug?" - "Okay" I say and hug him. "Goodbye Alex!" - "Goodbye Aubrey" he responds and I close the door as he leaves.

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