Part 21

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I got home and threw my keys on the counter and poured me a drink. Then I pulled out my phone to see if Chanel had responded. Nothing. I didn't expect her to respond but I had hoped she had. I was so done fighting with her. I texted Aubrey. "Hey sweetheart, I know we got to hang last night after all, but are we still on for tonight? We can do whatever you want." Then I jumped in the shower. When I got out I checked my phone. Aubrey had responded. "Hey Brunz, of course we're still on. I don't have anything in mind though so it's up to you. Just tell me what time I should be ready." I thought about it for a sec and wrote back. "Pick you up at 5" and she responded. "Okay. See you then. Drive safe." I called my mom to check in on her and tell her I couldn't wait to see her. I was finally going back to Hawaii. I couldn't wait. After I hung up with her I got dressed and checked my phone again. Still nothing from Chanel. I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my keys and went out the door. I had a few things to do before I got Aubrey.

Aubrey's POV...

After Bruno text me Alex called. "Hey babe, what you doing?" - "Hey Alex, I'm just finishing up some designs for my portfolio and then I'm gonna get dressed" - "Sweet, where we going?" - "We aren't going anywhere. I told you yesterday I was hanging out with Bruno tonight, remember?" - "Oh yeah, that guy. Fine, whatever babe. So can we have breakfast tomorrow morning then?" - "Of course! I'll see you then." - "Alright babe, love you!" - "Love you too Alex." - "Oh and Aubrey, tell Bruno congrats on making his dream come true. I was wrong." - "I will." I said and hung up the phone. I small smile spread across my face. I was glad Alex could see he was wrong and was mature enough to say so.

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