Part 98

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After Aubrey left I called Phil up and he agreed to meet me at the studio. When I got there he was already waiting for me. "Wasssup playa?" I greeted him with a smile. He laughed and said "What's happenin man?" Then we shared a quick bro hug. "So, how does it feel to be a married man? How was the honeymoon?" - "Honestly, it feels great man, amazing, actually. Aubrey is amazing and the honeymoon, well, it was amazing too!" I said with a big ass grin. "Well alright. I'm glad to hear that man. It's good to see you so happy. But before we get all sappy in here and shit, let's get to work" he said laughing. I laughed with him and said "Yeah, alright!" We worked on some music for a few hours and threw some ideas around. I wanted to get home before Aubrey got off work so I could have some dinner ready. I wasn't the best cook but I could do a little something. "Hey man, I'm gonna get outta here. I wanna surprise Aubrey with dinner!" - "You're gonna cook?" he asked with a surprised expression and laughed. I laughed too and said "Yeah man, I'm gonna cook. We'll pick back up tomorrow" - "Well alright. Go ahead and do your thang man" he said and we both went our separate ways. I got home and hooked up some spaghetti. It was the best thing I could think of that wasn't too hard to for me to do flying solo. I set the table and set up a couple candles. I wanted everything to be perfect when she got here. I went upstairs, got dressed and came back down. Just as I lit the ßcandles I heard the door close. "Babe, I'm home. What's the smell? It smells delicious!" I heard her call from the living room. I didn't say anything. I just waited and let her walk in the kitchen. When she walked in and saw everything set on the table she smiled. Then she looked around and asked "You did this on your own?" - "Yep. Just little ole me" I said with a smile and she giggled. "Thank you baby. It looks and smells delicious" she said and walked over to kiss me. Then I helped her to her seat and we sat down to have dinner. "I missed you. How was your first day back?" - "It was good. Different, but good" - "Why different?" - "Well, people tend to kiss your ass when they find out you know the quickly rising star Bruno Mars...and a little more when you're married to him" she said and laughed. "You don't say?" I responded with a grin. She told me about her day and I told her about mine. Then we snuggled up and watched movies the rest of the night.

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