Part 18

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We walked in and they showed us to our seats. The whole time Aubrey had a big smile on her face but she didn't say anything. I didn't either. I just observed for a minute. I ordered us some wine and the waiter left us the menu's and said he'd be back. Aubrey was still smiling, only now she was looking at me. "What are you so smiley about?" I asked her unable to contain my own smile. "I just can't believe you remembered" she said. "Why?" - "Oh, you know. You're Bruno Mars!" she said. "Yeah, so?" - "So, people tend to forget all the little people when they reach success." She said and her smile faded. I reached over the table and grabbed her hands. "Aubrey, I'm not those people.....and you're not "little people!" You're my best friend. A big part of why I am living my dream. I know we haven't been talking as much as we once did, but I never forget the people who were there for me. Especially you!" I said. She gave me a small smile. I could tell what I said touched her but she didn't say so. She just said "Okay then, let's celebrate Mr. Mars" and we laughed. We ordered dinner, drank up some champagne and talked about old times. It was a lot of fun. I hadn't laughed so much in a minute.

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