Part 110

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We pulled up to the club, went in, sat at a table in the corner near the bar and order some drinks. "So what's up man? Talk to me?" - "I don't know man. I think, I think Urbana and I might be calling it quits" he said rubbing the back of his neck then chugging his drink. "Damn! Yo bartender, keep the drinks coming please?" I called back. When the bartender brought us a new round Phil continued to tell me the problems he and Urbana were having and we threw back several more drinks. I gave him a pep talk and told him that maybe they just needed a break from each other for a bit. We got to talking and drinking. We had a few fans actually come up to us and ask for pictures. I was kinda thrown off. I didn't think I'd ever get used to this. Those few fans brought a little more attention to us then we would have liked right now. With one album and tour under out belts we were already pretty well known. Typically, I didn't mind meeting a few fans and signing autographs and taking pictures. But right now, right now I just wanted to be here for my boy. After we took a few more pictures and singed a few more autographs we were left alone again. We had a few more drinks and Phil and I returned to talking. I was so busy drinking and trying to cheer my boy up that I just lost track of time. We were mid conversation when I felt someone walk up behind me and a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up expecting to see another fan but instead, Chanel was standing there.

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