Part 111

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"Hey Bruno, hey Phil, it's been a minute" she said giving my shoulder a light squeeze. Had I not been drinking and had I not had a major buzz going on, I would have brushed her off right away. But since I was feeling good, I didn't. "Hi Chanel. Yeah, it has been a while." My next thought was to remove her hand from my shoulder but for some reason, I didn't make the effort to do that. She smiled at me and then looked over at Phil. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She asked him. "No, I just know you're bad news for my boy right here and I really have nothing got say to you. I also really don't think you should be here talking to us right now. Especially not to Bruno!" he said in a serious tone. That's when the red flags started going off in my head. "He's right!" I said removing her hand from my shoulder. "Ouch. After all we've been through together? The three of us. Wow. That hurts. I just wanted to come over and see how you guys were doing. That's all." - "Do we look like we're stupid?" Phil asked her and laughed. "Did I say you were stupid?" - "No. But you're sitting here acting like we don't know your ass. Like we don't know you like playing games. We might be drunk, but that doesn't stop us from knowing your trouble. So why don't you just get on and leave me and my boy alone?" Phil said making me smile. "That's my boy" I thought to myself. "He's right. You need to go." I said to her still smiling. "Why? It's nearly 9 o'clock and you're sitting here in a bar drinking with Phil instead of being at home with your pregnant wife on a Friday night. That screams trouble in paradise." - "Chanel why don't you mind your damn..... Wait! What time did you say it was?" I asked in a panic. There's no way we could have been here that long. Was there? We just had a few drinks, talked, and signed some autographs and took some pictures. Okay maybe it was a lot of pictures. But could it really be 9? I searched my pockets for my phone but I didn't have it. Where the fuck was it? A smile was plastered on Chanel's face as she repeated "9 o'clock." Then she showed me her phone so I could see she wasn't lying. The time was exactly 9:17 at this point. I ran a hand through my hair in panic. Aubrey is going to kill me. "Phil, we gotta go man!" - "Alright man. The crowd in here isn't right anymore anyway. Looks like they're letting all the trash in here now" he said glancing at Chanel. That actually made me laugh. One thing about Phil, he loves Aubrey to pieces and he always had her back. Just like he always has mine. Matter a fact, all the guys did. So, naturally, Chanel wasn't one of their favorite people. She rolled her eyes at his statement and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's like that Phil?" - "It's exactly like that" he said back and stood up along with me. We headed towards to bar to get our tab and Chanel followed us. I pulled out my wallet and paid for all the drinks we had. When I turned around, Chanel was standing right behind me and she kissed me. I didn't kiss her back. I quickly pushed her away from me. "What the fuck are you doing Chanel?" I said looking pissed. She smiled and said "I just had to taste those lips again. They will always be mine you know?" - "You're crazy!" I said and moved her out of my way so I could leave. "You see, that right there. Trouble. You ain't nothing but trouble. You got problems!" I heard Phil tell her before running and catching up to me.

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