Chapter 37

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Chaeyoung was crossing toward the series of double doors leading to the courtyard with dae at her side

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Chaeyoung was crossing toward the series of double doors leading to the courtyard with dae at her side.When she saw Jungkook, she paused and pivoted on her slippered heel, gliding in his direction.She captivated him in the way she always did, with fetching beauty and unassuming grace. Her hair rippled behind her in shimmering waves of ebony, and her pointed chin was turned high and proud in the rays of  evening sun streaming from above.

Witnessing that princess grandiosity conveyed Jungkook an impression like an angel standing infront of him. He saw the same mixture of proud and defiance as always.

On the other side chaeyoung too had captivated by Jungkook's looks.There's something about the emperor, his oozing confidence and stripping profile, that had chaeyoung muddling her words and blushing uncontrollably whenever he's around. Her attraction to him wasn't because he is handsome, though he is, it was to his soul, to the wonderful person he was inside. Right now he was gazing at her warmly. But there was something else. A new emotion she could not place.

As she drew closer, the memory of last night washed over him. The feel of her laughter around him. The scent of jasmin and rose in her hair.Recollecting all of that he once again found his will crumbling. Jungkook wasn't not only one who fell into magnetism of the Silla princess. All the eyes that looked at chaeyoung had passion in them, even asexuals. Jungkook sensed it and saw it. For some reasons it made him uneasy.He bowed with a hand shifting it over his heart.

Respect. And affection.Once again he didn't know why he did that.In truth he didn't even realized what he had done.

Chaeyoung also greeted everyone separately.She opened her mouth to say something to him, However it was Jungkook who initiated the conversation.

"Princess.You may be already heard that I am going for hunting with yeri at tomorrow morning. Yeri and me, we both would glad if you joined us so would you. Think about it and let me know your answer by midnight" Jungkook spoke solemnly, only on outside. In truth he was smouldering inside. Realization struck him.

This must not happen! Years go he had felt this type of powerful attraction for someone. He knew infatuation is very powerful, lust is not even comparable. Infatuation is on a whole different level and is definitely one of the strongest emotions that a person can feel. This could be dangerous. It will make him weak like it did before. No ! He will not allow this to happen for the second time. He had to do something...something ! Jungkook's mind whispered to him without heeding his heart's call.

For two weeks, the keepers had stalked out a lion for the Emperor. They followed the animal to its favorite resting spot, a clearing in the forest under a patchwork of sunlight. They did this for a few days, blending into the undergrowth with clothes of green cotton, river mud smeared over their skins to keep their smell from the lion’s nostrils. 

The day of the hunt came bright and clear. At sunrise, three thousand soldiers beating drums formed a circle around the forest. They were carrying large nets made of a thick jute fiber. As they walked inward, all the animals within the forest fled toward the center. Once the circle had been narrowed to a few miles in diameter, the royal party would enter the forest and there find the animals waiting to be slaughtered.

THE EMPEROR  // RosekookWhere stories live. Discover now