Chapter 41

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Without thinking about anything she let go of her dress, allowing it to drop back into place, making the hem soppy

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Without thinking about anything she let go of her dress, allowing it to drop back into place, making the hem soppy. She washed her face and splashed some water on her hands and cleaned the dirt and mud. Then very shyly started to undrape the gown she wore. She took off very slowly and carefully because of embarrassment. So far she had never allowed any man to see her half clothed or unclothed.

She cleared her throat, hesitating for a moment before holding it out to him. Without turning or looking at her Jungkook took it from her hands. The whole time chaeyoung's heart was beating rapidly, sending blood pounding through her skull. She knew she was blushing furiously. She could feel the heat in her cheeks. She was surprised her entire body flushed a light pink, unlike Jungkook. His body language seemed so calm, so casual, as he bend forward and washed the dress nice and cleanly. It was hard for chaeyoung to tell how his face expression looks, for she could hardly see his face. However watching him doing everything so coolly she felt slightly better about embarrassment.

Jungkook finished his work with in a couple minutes. While chaeyoung wasted the entire time drooling his body over with her curious eyes. In between that examinations she actually forgot to wear the new gown. Her blush intensified as her eyes skimmed over his bare V shaped torso again and again, and she felt goose bumps rise up across her entire being. His body was wreathed with water droplets. Which made his ripped definition glistened in moon light. His shoulders were broad. The traps looked bulging huge an deltoits were muscle bounded. His olive complexion was as striking as his symmetry. She had never been this much close to any men's naked torso before. What would it feel like while touching his skin against her skin? Chaeyoung wondered. The sheer muscularity and virility about him captivated her. Just the effect from this proximity was infectious. She found it impossible to look anywhere aside from his strong biceps. Admiring his physique, it once again reminded that he has a very attractive form even though it was marked by scars. To her the scars were markings of a great warrior; a part of his history and did not make him any less attractive.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck thinking what's taking chaeyoung long. He could sense her eyes travelling across the features of his bare back. He also could feel butterflies fluttering about in his stomach at the thought of her standing next to him with only chemise (undergarment).

"Are you finished? Can I turn around? What's taking you so long?" Jungkook asked but no response came from chaeyoung. He repeated the question again. Her reaction was just the same. His patience soon worn out.

"What are you looking at? My scars! Is this pleases you?" Jungkook yelled it out of frustration.

His acrid comment snapped chaeyoung out of her fantasies. "Please me?" She lifted her hand to her mouth to still a sob welling in her throat. "How can you say something cruel like that? They horrify me!"

As soon chaeyoung spoke those words she watched Jungkook move away from her. His features looked tensed. She suddenly realized he misinterpreted her words. She was dreadfully sorry for her words the moment she spoke them

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