Chapter 46

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The day had passed with painful slowness

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The day had passed with painful slowness. Jungkook was becoming crankier by the minute. He was bored and sick of lying in bed. He had sent minji to chaeyoung fours hours ago but she had not been back since the morning and the sun was starting to set. Wonbin had also been busy in ministry matters and had not been by since yeri and Mother left.

The irritated emperor threw the blankets off of him and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He got up and slowly shuffled out to the balcony.

"A couple days," he muttered under his breath as he made it to the railing without any problem. "I'll be fine tomorrow."

He leaned heavily on the railing and looked out over the city. On the streets below, men shouted, women sang, drums were beaten in drunkenness.

He amused as he realized it has been year since practiced assassin climbing. His Emperor image restricts him every time he think about pulling off that dangerous skill. His eyes roamed from roof to roof he planned the ways it cab be get it done. Arching his neck to see further to his left as he calculated wall height and steepness reminded him of just how sore his body was. He let out a small gasp as his muscles ached and rolled his neck from side to side to try to relieve it.

As he watched he did not hear the door to his chamber open or the soft footsteps of his wife as she walked into the room.

"What are you looking at?," chaeyoung said as she finally walked out and found him at the railing. She stopped in the archway with her hands at her side.

Jungkook turned around, startled a little, and then smiled. His agitation dissipated as he looked at the heavenly beauty standing before him. He stared at her, his eyes drinking her in like a man who had long thirsted for water.  He did not remember much of the past weeks, just little snatches of consciousness when he had seen chaeyoung's face. He had always seen her there, not once had he woken to a room empty of her presence. She looked so lean now, as though she had given her strength to him when the fever attacked

"This chamber is a little suffocating to me"

"What are you doing out of bed?" Chaeyoung asked as walked over to him.

"Just enjoying the view." said Jungkook casually. It wasn't street view but chaeyoung upon who his eyes riveted. Something his dear friend Namjoon had said to him last year when chaeyoung had first arrived at Silla as his wife came into his mind. What was it? Something like, 'So much that happens appears random, yet I have often discerned patterns running through our existence as if at the hand of a divine weaver at the loom . . . one day this Princess might become most important person in your life, more than dahyun.'

He had snubbed Namjoon's words at that time saying the possibility is impossible but now it felt his friend's hindsight was right.

"Didn't senior healer tell you to stay in bed for the next few days and regain your strength?" .

THE EMPEROR  // RosekookWhere stories live. Discover now