94. "Brain-Dead-slut"

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As Taehyung's parents returned from their brief vacation, they were greeted by a scene of chaos and worry in their son and y/n's apartment. Taehyung's friends, along with Yeonjun, and a group of police officers had gathered, their faces etched with concern and urgency.

In the midst of the commotion, Jin stepped forward, his voice trembling as he relayed the distressing news. He explained that y/n and Taehyung had been involved in a serious accident, and y/n had been missing for the past four harrowing days.

The revelation struck Taehyung's parents like a thunderbolt, filling the air with a palpable sense of fear and uncertainty.

As if the news couldn't get any worse, they learned that Taehyung himself had gone missing since early morning, despite the ongoing efforts of the police to locate him. The weight of the situation pressed down on them like a heavy burden, leaving them reeling with shock and disbelief.

Unable to contain her anguish, Taehyung's mom broke down in tears, her heartache echoing through the apartment. Meanwhile, Taehyung's father's frustration boiled over, his voice laced with anger as he directed his ire at Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon for keeping them in the dark about the situation.

Amidst the tumult, a sense of helplessness hung in the air, each passing moment feeling more agonizing than the last. Taehyung's parents clung to the fragile hope that their son and y/n would be found safe and sound, praying for a glimmer of good news in the midst of the darkness that had enveloped their lives.

The man forcefully dragged y/n's lifeless body back to the room where he had confined her, clutching her hair as he pulled her along. He was astounded that this seemingly fragile girl had managed to take down four of his men without any weapons.

Understanding now why y/n had dared him to release her hands, she had shown him her strength. Against the wall, he yanked the drugged girl and produced a bundle of chains, tightly wrapping them around her body and neck.

He delivered a brutal kick to her stomach, causing her body to convulse in agony, tears streaming down her face. Despite her inability to open her eyes, she keenly felt the searing pain coursing through her.

As the pain radiated through her body, y/n fought to regain consciousness, her mind clouded by the overwhelming ache. Each breath was a struggle, each movement a testament to her resilience in the face of relentless torment.

With every ounce of strength she could muster, y/n forced her eyes open, the world swimming in a haze of pain and despair. Yet, even in the midst of her suffering, a flicker of defiance burned bright within her soul.

She refused to succumb to the darkness, refused to let her tormentor break her spirit. With each labored breath, she vowed to endure, to rise from the ashes of her pain and reclaim her freedom once more.

The man left the room, his heavy footsteps echoing through the empty halls as he departed to manage his affairs. With a calculated move, he summoned more men to fortify the perimeter, ensuring his vile intentions remained undisturbed.

Resentment brewed within him like a toxic elixir, fueled by years of festering obsession and thwarted desires. He seethed with anger towards y/n, his captive, a symbol of everything he could not possess. Her mere existence taunted him, a reminder of his impotence in the face of her beauty and resilience.

His kidnapping of y/n was driven by a dark lust for revenge, a twisted desire to exact his own brand of justice for perceived wrongs. Since their high school days, his intentions towards her had been tainted by depravity, fueled by the darkest recesses of his depraved mind.

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