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"Are you sure you want to do this, Maelynn?" My mother asked me.

I stared at the small building through the car window until I unbuckled my belt. "Yes." I told my mother, for what seemed like the millionth time.

I looked at her from the side, a firm look of disappointment plastered all over her face as I opened the car door.

"I'm sorry. I know you pictured this situation differently, but I need to do this." I reassured her. She looked carefully at the small bump growing under my shirt and nodded, not wanting to look at me any longer. She adjusted herself in her seat and I stepped out onto the wet pavement and soon I became drenched in the sky's tears, which blended into my own as I walked to the doors.

I was met with warmth as the doors opened as each face that sat in the waiting room seemed to match my own; full of fear and regret, I felt like I wasn't doing the wrong thing anymore. I was right where I needed to be.

As I took my seat and a cup of water, I sipped it quietly as my hand rested on my bump.

"Mae Fletcher?" A voice echoed.

I rose to my feet and each head snapped in my direction, faces of anticipated wonder as I marched through the corridor to the man who called my name.

I didn't look back once, and I was so glad I didn't. 



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