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As much as I complain about Jordan in my life, hearing him tell me he was bringing Annabel to see his mother for a few hours this morning was like music to my ears. One; because his mother adored Annabel so I knew she would be well looked after and two; I got the best sleep of my life.

Saturday mornings were for sleeping in, especially after working a forty hour week, plus more at home with paperwork. Annabel didn't pick up that trait from me. Sleeping in, that is. She had actually always been an early riser. I suppose all kids are, but when I was four, I would sleep in until at least ten.

I only managed to force myself up at half ten and made some coffee. Jordan texted me asking if I would cook chicken today so I took that out of the freezer to defrost and so once the washing up and laundry was done I sat on the couch for the remaining few hours I had alone.

My peace was rudely interrupted when the door open and shut abruptly, making me jump before I heard a voice. "Mae!" El called. I cursed to myself and sat up from my relaxed position. "In the lounge," I yelled back.

Soon enough she walked in. Her hair was tied back and I cursed her beautiful figure in her skin tight gym gear. I was always slim but she was on another level, every inch of her body was toned and looked so healthy. I was slim with a bit of chub, nowhere near perfect in my eyes. She had her daughter strapped into a carrier on her stomach and I smiled, "Oh you brought Gracie!" I cooed. El took a seat beside me and sighed out, handing Gracie over to me.

"I booked Tenerife, right? We're supposed to leave in two days and Gracies passport still hasn't come." She whined. I let Gracie sit in the crook of my arm and she became fascinated with my watch. As she played with my watch I watched El have a meltdown before laughing.

"Is this your way of asking me to ask Becca to work some magic?" I asked her. She nodded sadly, "I'm so stressed. Avery is being a-" She covered Gracie's ears, "bitch." then took her hands away. "And the dog sitter dropped out so now I have to ask my mother. My life is a mess!"

I wanted to laugh.

"Well, I think I can top your mess with my mess." I sighed out. I felt the anxiety creep up on me again. Just thinking about it made me nervous and made my throat dry. El put her attention on me.

"Harry's back," I announced.

Her mouth fell open and her hand flew up to it, all I could do was laugh. She gasped, "Fuck off!"

"I swear, El," I told her. Gracie was now sitting on my lap, staring at her mother in wonder. "He has a son. He's in my preschool." I sighed loudly, the now sweaty palm of my hand now rubbing my temple. Being able to talk about it with someone was already making me feel less upset about it all, I needed to rant.

"I still don't know if this is a joke or not." She mumbled. "Has he seen Ana?"

"Well, yes, but he doesn't know anything. He knows she's mine but no idea he's actually her father." I spat out.

"Mae.." She sighed. "You have to tel-"

"Don't- no. I'm not telling him." I warned her.

Since the day she found out I was pregnant, El was team tell Harry. She almost did, actually. She didn't think it was fair to keep this from him but of course I thought- and still do think differently. Of course I was open to the idea that Harry had changed and loved me and maybe would leave Aria for me if I was pregnant but I didn't want a child to be what made him stay. It wouldn't have been real and eventually, we would have fallen apart and I didn't want to bring a baby into that. Besides, he didn't deserve her. Heck, I don't even deserve her but I was doing the best I could.

She rolled her eyes slightly, looking to Gracie instead. "I just think she would like to know her father and if I was Harry, I would want to know if I had a child I didn't know about. It's been four years, I'm sure he's different.." She told me. I continued to shake my head.

"He hasn't. Appearance wise? Yes. But his arrogant personality was still evident. I'm glad he's gone." I said to her. We sat in a few seconds of silence, just basking in the moment and watching Gracie try to eat the remote control.

"So..he's still hot?" She smirked.

I hit her with the pillow and couldn't help the smile that was forming on my own lips, "Shut up."

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