Fifty Four

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"Good morning, love." Harry's sweet voice welcomed me from my sleep and I smiled gratefully as he handed me a mug of tea in bed.

His wet hair allowed droplets of water spring onto the bed before he brought a towel to his head and dried it quickly.

"I have to collect Noah, Ana called and said they're going to the playground and then she's being dropped home so you," he leaned forward and kissed my lips, catching me by surprise. "Relax." He finished. I smiled and nodded, watching him take off his towel and dress while I sipped my tea. Hm, not a bad start to the day.

"I'll be back in awhile, I might stop at my mums. She wanted me to fix the toilet," he rolled his eyes and finally pulled a grey sweater over him and then grabbed his keys.

"Did Ana give a time?" I asked, peeking the covers off of me. I headed to the dresser to tie up my hair and watched Harry type on his phone in the reflection of a mirror. He shook his head, "Nah, I'd say an hour or two though, they were only waking up."

"Great, I think I'll get our stuff packed then." I mumbled.

I turned to go to the bathroom but Harry stopped me. "Well I was thinking maybe like, this would be a permanent thing?" He raised a brow and I laughed a little.

"Oh you did?" I folded my arms over and raised a brow. I mean, of course I would move in with Ana but it wasn't going to happen over night. I had a lease and Ana had school in another town, which means transfers would have to be planned.

"Yeah, do you not want to?" He frowned.

"No, I do." I reassured him. "Just needs more planning, Well talk about it later."

"Right, I gotta go, see you in awhile!" He yelled as he headed out of the room and I got settled in the bathroom to shower.

Staring at my reflection I sighed and began to brush my teeth while scrolling through my social medias. The door slammed, and I suddenly felt very strange being in this big empty house alone.


It neared mid-day, Harry left to collect Noah nearly an hour ago and I was awaiting Ana's return, but something was feeling off.

I can be anxious and over analyze things yes, but there was a consistent noice coming from the back garden for the last ten minutes and it was beginning to make me uneasy, so I decided to investigate.

Harry's house was too big and I always thought if someone were to break in I'd have lots of places to hide but as I walked down the rounded staircase with a baseball bat in my hand those places didn't exist and I was shitting myself.

The noise returned as I stepped onto the tiled floor that lead to the back doors. It was like a metal clink, as if someone was hitting a pole with something. It only sounded twice and then paused, but as I put a hand onto the back door handle it began again and appeared louder.

"Hello?" I called out, opening the door and peeking out. No one was there, and I sighed in relief. Probably just a neighbor getting some work done.

I put the bat down by the kitchen counter and decided to start tidying the place up a bit, it's been awhile since I've actually done anything around here. He had a maid come in during the week but that was gonna have to go if I had a say in things.

The front door opened and I was a little alerted at first but hearing keys be put down on the glass table by the door eased me. "That was quick," I called out to him.

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