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I was at a very confusing point in my life right now. Not to be dramatic but like, maybe this is my midlife crisis. Maybe. The last week has flipped everything I thought for the future upside down. I mean, Harry was acting so different and so was I. We haven't slept together since that night at Liam's and I wasn't sure if I was happy about it or not.

We've kissed, but when I bring it up he changes the conversation and starts talking about work.

With my birthday barely passed, it was time for Harry's and I had no idea what to do. I thought we'd just get drunk and call it a night but he went all out for mine so sort of have this obligation.

So I took his range rover and the kids and we were off. I was on the hunt for a good venue for a surprise party, a kid friendly one. If I was sure about one thing about Harry, it was that he adored his kids.

Annabel and Noah were sitting in the back eating the McDonald's I got them, since Harry doesn't let them have fast food that often. I was a cool mum. At least I hoped so.

"Mm, maybe a bouncy house?" Noah suggested.

"Noted. But we need a place first," I sighed. I pulled into the last place I could think of, the place Harry and I used to live. Across the road was the playground we brought the kids to nearly every day together. The cafes and restaurants we all went to as happy families. So many memories. Plus, everywhere else wouldn't let kids in after six, and we started at six.

"Okay, stay here. Don't fucking mov- sorry for cursing. Ok, I'll be two minutes." I told them. They nodded and went back to their iPads as I scrambled to get out of the car and inside.

It was just a nice family restaurant but I knew they hired the place out upon request. With Harry's money that he doesn't know I'm using, I could turn this place into a cool ass party.

"Hello?" I called as I walked in.

"Hi!" I heard. I just couldn't see a person to match the voice, until someone walked out from behind delivery boxes. He was short and old, it almost made me want to gush at him and punch his cheeks. He looked so sweet.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could book the restaurant for tomorrow night?" I smiled. I awkwardly played with my car keys in my hands as his eyes looked me up and down.

"Oh yes! That would be great. We're actually closing down next week so it would be nice to have one last thing before that," He told me.

I nodded slowly and followed as he lead me to the counter. He took out a book and a pen, flipping through the pages. "How come you're shutting down?" I asked him.

"Some big company bought the block so, they're tearing everything down." He frowned. "Nothin more to do about it." He sighed. I wanted to crawl over he counter and cradle this poor guy. It sucked actually. I was only thinking of how I had so many memories with Ana and Noah on the block.

"That sucks. What company?" I asked. I rested my forearm on the marble countertop as he scribbled some words down then scratched his head in frustration.

"Not sure, they're building a hotel here. One of them fancy ones, think it's called Stella or somthin' like that. Some English bloke runs it." He grunted. "Sorry to come across rude and angry," he laughed off.

I huffed through my nose. "Harry Styles? Is he the guy who owns it?" I calmly asked.

"Yes! Yes! Sí, tall handsome man, evil man." He exclaimed with his hands in the air.

I put my hand over his and smiled, "I still want this place to book, but it won't be the last sir. Not only will I have Mr. Styles leave this block alone but he will donate half a million for the refurbishment of your restaurant." I told him.

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