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"Honey you're fine! Trust me." Liam's sweet wife Dani told me. She dabbed my chest, which was covered in the cake that Louis decided to smash onto me after they sang happy birthday.

It was a surprise birthday party. Why Liam hosted it? No fucking idea. I haven't spoken to him in about five years. I knew him and Harry were business partners sometimes but nothing else. Little did I know huh.

Everyone was here. Beth, El, Avery - even Alfie and Becca. It was crazy.

But right now I was in Liam's bedroom with his stunning wife trying to borrow a dress from here. It was a classic Louis move and I don't know how I didn't see it coming.

"This will look gorgeous on you," she gushed. She brought out a silk turquoise slip dress but at this point I was too drunk to care and took it without hesitation. I changed in front of her, which she seemed a bit shocked by and I smiled. "Thank you, babe. You're too kind." I told her.

She laughed and walked me back out to the party. Their house was fucking huge, I couldn't even begin to explain how expensive looked but just consider this; they had a water slide in the house. Just think about that for a second.

"Louis!" I yelled. I spotted him by the kitchen counter and his head snapped back to my direction as I scurried to get to him. "You're dead." I told him. A few told him to run while others egged me on and I ended up chasing him out the back garden bare footed.

Extending my arm, I gripped his shirt and yanked him back in laughter. "You're a little shit." I warned, edging him closer to the pool.

"Maelynn, if you push me into this pool, I just want you to know you'll be coming with me." He calmly told me. I considered it for a few seconds, maybe it wouldn't be a good move to destroy Dani's dress, but I mean...

"Mae." Harry scolded. He was boring when sober. He took ahold of my shoulder and Louis released himself from my grip while we laughed. Harry wasn't impressed.

"Have a bit of class, will you?" He told me.

I scoffed, "Oh sorry, Mr. styles. I forgot I was around your millionaire friends." I fired back.

Harry watched me carefully and opened his mouth to speak but Louis interrupted. "So are you two gonna fuck yet?"

Both of us looked at him, Harry yet again not impressed but I just laughed. "We already have." I reminded him. "Then he cheated and lost out on this," I motioned to my body and face, to which Harry rolled his eyes and we began to walk back to the house. Louis winked at me then jogged by us and inside.

"You know it's been about seven or eight years since then, right?" Harry reminded me. We walked side by side and I stopped in my tracks.

"I'm aware, why?" I scoffed.

"You talk about it a lot." He stated. He tried to walk on but I held him back, the anger was almost vaporizing all of the alcohol out of my body.

"Shit still hurts, dude." I admitted. He knew it still annoyed me, especially the fact he left me knowing I was pregnant but still chose another woman and child.

"Alright, Alright." He sighed. I felt bad, but there were certain things you couldn't just blank out.

"I forgive you." I told him. He was slightly surprised, and I was too. Usually when I was drunk I bullshitted people but I think I meant it this time. Maybe.

"You do?" He cocked his head to the side and flashed a cheeky grin. Okay, maybe the fact that he was very attractive and good with words persuaded me into forgiveness.

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