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Ana and I must have walked around the neighbourhood for thirty minutes or so. I was telling her about all the people I hung around with and where I would go to play when I was younger, it was so amazing telling your own child about growing up because it reminds you how you want to make sure they have an amazing childhood. It motivates you to give them an amazing one so they can look back on good memories too. 

We were not back on the street I grew up on and I squeezed her hand tightly as we walked across the grass to the house, when a voice took us out of our conversation.

"Oh my gosh! Mae?" A woman called. Our heads snapped in the direction I was being called from. I was completely clueless. I looked to a black Maserati that was driving from behind us and my heart, for the thousandth time this month, stopped. Oh, no.

Aria's head popped out from the window, a large grin plastered all over her face. She waved at me frantically but all I could see was Harry's face. He was on the passenger side and his eyes had no emotion in them, he just stared at me blankly. I still haven't told Aria about Harry and I's past and I assume he hasn't either because she hasn't mentioned anything over the past few weeks. I hadn't even seen Harry since that day he collected Noah, it's always Aria. Lucky me.

I flashed a smile and waved back, silently freaking out. Annabel, of course, waved too and jumped with glee. "Is Noah here too?" She asked me. I looked down at her, about to reply, but Harry did that for me.

"He's asleep in the back, love." His voice was so gentle yet so loud. I looked at him as he spoke, slightly annoyed to see he was already looking at me with a faint smirk on his lips. It quickly vanished when Aria looked at him.

"What are you doing all the way back down here?" Aria laughed at me.

"I grew up in that house there," I pointed to the house. "Visiting," I answered. My voice could not have been quieter.

"No way! Harry grew up here too, that's crazy!" She laughed. Her perfect plump lips spread into a smile that I couldn't stand. I laughed dryly.  She was so clueless.

"I have to go, see you around," I announced. I scooped Annabel into my arms, knowing she would take too much time to get to the house and I walked. I walked so fucking fast, too. I didn't give them a chance to say anything, just watched as they pulled in next door while I walked into the house.

"Look who decided to show up," My dad commented.

I put Annabel down and looked around, there were a lot more people here now. Lot's of family and friends, people I didn't even know.  I smiled at my dad, unsure if I should ask why Harry was here.

"I saw Harry." I spat out.

His brows furrowed and he looked concerned. "Harry Styles?" He asked me.

I nodded, hands now on my hips. I was so angry.

"I didn't think he was coming," Dad mumbled to himself.

"You knew Anne would be here, obviously." He told me. I nodded, I could deal with Anne. She didn't know Annabel was Harry's and instead thought Jordan was the father. I'm not sure which one I actually want her to think.

"She mentioned Harry visiting this weekend but she said he cancels last minute a lot so she assumed this was the case. I guess he didn't cancel?" He threw in a laugh at the end, trying to make me feel better except it did the completely obvious.

"Awesome, now I get to spend a weekend with the father of my child next door, who I have been avoiding for four years. Oh, and the woman who destroyed my self-worth and happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. Let's not forget precious Aria!" I yelled at him sarcastically. I felt bad for yelling at him, I knew it wasn't his fault, but I needed to just be angry right now. I was allowed to be.

I pushed by him and headed straight up the stairs and as I entered the room that was once my bedroom, I slammed the door shut and paced the floor. I have been so strong by myself for so long I don't understand how he could walk back into my life and ruin that. I marched over to the window to pull the curtains but was met with a sight of Harry in his room, how convenient. We made eye contact but I was quick to whip the curtains closed. It had gone beyond a coincidence now. I was convinced he was purposely irritating me now.

I began to re compose myself. I wasn't going to be a baby about this. So, I allowed myself a little cry and made a promise to myself that I would never, ever, cry over that prick again as I walked back out of the room.

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