twenty seven

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I leaned further into the screen of my laptop tiredly. It was my third hour of extreme job hunting and at this point, I'd do anything. I applied to all sorts of jobs, from being a pool cleaner to being a personal assistant for a journalist. Anything.

My next goal was to get an apartment for my daughter and I, I just needed to get working.

"Any luck?" El asked me. She rocked Gracie in her arms to soothe her from behind me as I shook my head. "Nothing. I sent out applications five days ago and still haven't heard a thing back." I sighed out.

Avery smiled sadly and pat my back. "You'll find something."

I rolled my eyes. Easy for you to say miss millionaire. I wasn't lying when I said everyone around me became millionaires except for me. Even fucking Niall.

Avery founded a company that branched out to publishers, directors, website creators - all sorts of people and linked them with LGBT actors, writers and business owners. It was an extremely smart idea actually. So smart that she's partnered up with Netflix and Buzz-feed to name a few. Girl was making millions.

"Wait, can Harry not get you a job at the hotel? Like a waitress at the restaurant or a bar girl?" El suggested.

I never really thought about asking him for a job. I shrugged and kept scrolling through my emails. Maybe I didn't send them to the right place.

"Or a private dancer in my gentlemen's club." Harry smirked. We all turned our heads to face him, a scowl on each of our faces.

"You have a gentlemen's club?" I asked him. Was I really that surprised, though?

"I have three. There's two here in England and one in Germany." He smiled. He had such a proud expression across his features and I smiled, dude was making moves too.

"How many other businesses do you own?" El asked him. I became suddenly interested in the conversation and joined the three of them at the kitchen table. We all watched Harry as his mouth opened and closed as he counted silently.

"Six in total, seven if you include a shared business." He told us.

I whistled lowly and leaned forward. "What are they?"

"Well the hotel, the cruises, gentlemen's club..that's three. I have a small business that links sponsors to celebrities. I own a branch of restaurants and finally a real estate company."

He spoke of it all as if it was no big deal. All three of us had our mouths flying open and my mind whirled around all the different thoughts.

"You're telling have six businesses...and haven't given me a damn job yet?" I scowled.

"You never asked." He simply remarked.

I scoffed. "Give me a job!"

"What you want? Gentlemen's club is open for you but your ass isn't as big as we'd like." He smiled. I cocked my head to the side, not sure if he was fucking with me or not.

"No thank you. What about in the hotel? I could do something there." I suggested.

"Hmm. I supposed I could take on another bar girl." He leaned back in his seat in thought and a wide smile spread across El's lips. "Yes! Yes!"

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