see you around

16 4 0

The club is extremely busy, it takes me time to locate someone I know. I find my friend Hugo dancing with a group of girls, I don't see a man on their group so he must be on the prowl.

"Sav you came" he thrusts his arms around me.

"I always do" I shrug, he laughs at my reply. He introduces me to his friends Lauren,Jo and Beth.

"No date, I thought Daddy Warbucks would be taking you out, or is he in your bed recovering"

"I wish, he dropped me off home then went to the blue room"

"The cheek" Hugo fumes.

Hugo twirls me around so he can take in my barely there outfit. "His loss, some hunks gain"

"Maybe he really can't get it up" had his wife's words been true, I had thought she was making bitchy comments.

"Maybe, would explain why the wife has young boyfriends" Hugo's thoughts mirror mine. It does make sense after all Elizabeth is already married to a younger good looking man so why does she need boyfriends if she's getting everything she needs at home. Darcy must be inadequate in some way.

"God why does everything have to be so hard" I complain.

"It's only hard when I see you" Jason's stood  peering over Hugo's shoulder. Why is he always around, he's like a bad smell that won't go away.

"You do know stalking is against the law, new York is particularly harsh on offenders"

"My friend got fined $500 but could have got three months jail time" Hugo adds.

"Your friend " I say with air quotes, he pushes my arm playfully.

Jason hands us all a drink, the girls accept greatfully.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to accept drinks from strangers, he could have roofied them" I say, the girls look at the liquid cautiously other than Beth who shrugs and downs the brown liquid.

He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me to him,"were not strangers, you know I don't need to drug girls to get sex"

I try not to smile and try to look annoyed but I fail, Hugo is watching us with interest. "You just pay for it instead"

Jason laughs, his whole body moves as his laugh gets louder. "It's cheaper than drugging women, do you know how expensive roofies are these days"

"Go ahead girls I think it's safe to drink"

The girls laugh, they haven't taken their eyes off Jason. He is good looking and well dressed so I see the appeal, I suppose hia personality isn't so bad either.

Beth hasn't taken her eyes off us, she's laughing to herself. I see her whisper in Jos ear, Jo nods her head and joins in laughing.

"What are are you two witches gossiping about" Lauren finally asks.

"Beth thinks they've already screwed, she says watching them banter is almost enough to get her off"

"I don't suppose you need a third" Beth asks, at first I smile thinking she's joking but the look on Hugo's face tells me she's not.

Before I can gently decline Jason speaks "thanks for the offer but I'm hardly able to keep up with Savannah when she's alone, I'm afraid I would not have the stamina for two women. Thanks for the offer though"

Hugo's eyes are wide he looks surprised or embarrassed or maybe both, "a moment please" he pulls Beth away from the group.

"That wasn't awkward at all" I say aloud, earning me a laugh from Jo and Laura.

"Beth likes to have fun and doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. How long have you been dating" Laura asks.

I shake my head "were not, just friends"

"I don't make a habit of having sex with friends" Jason says as he plants a kiss on my neck. I move away and push him away playfully.

"Oh no Gideon at the country club is really missing out " I tease.

"Heather is that you" I still as I hear my stage name. I'm pretty sure I recognise the voice, soon I realise I'm right. Mr Moneyz is stalking towards me.

"Heather, what a nice surprise. I'm sorry I missed you at the club earlier I had hoped to speak to you before you left" he kisses my hand, his lips linger on my hand a little too long.

"Heather" Jason whispers.

"Just go with it, I didn't give him my real name" I beg.

"Mr Gomez, how are you "

"I'm good, better now I've seen you. What are you up to now you've left the club"

"Were getting married, Mr Gomez this is my fiance Jack Daniel"

Jason gives me a look that says "seriously is that the best name you can come up with".

"Nice to meet you sir" for some reason he's speaking in a thick Texan accent.

Jo is biting her lip, she dying to laugh.

Mr Gomez looks between us, his smile now seems forced. "Congratulations, I will miss seeing you around. The club won't be the same without you"

He kisses my hand again before nodding his head at Jason and leaving.

We all laugh as soon as he is out of earshot , Jason is shaking his head.

"What the hell was that accent" Laura asks, she's still holding her sides.

"I panicked" Jason replies, he turns to me and narrows his eyes " jack Daniel was that the best you could come up with"

I shrug " my mind went totally blank"

"Why did he call you heather I thought your called Savannah " Laura asks the question everyone else was dying to ask.

"I was a server in a club and I didn't like giving out my real name so I used fake ones" it's only a half lie.

Hugo and Beth return to the group, their smiling so I guess they sorted their issues out.

"Can we have six glasses of champagne" Jason asks a passive server.

"Were celebrating our engagement " he adds in his fake Texas accent.

Hugo looks at me with a panicked expression "what did we miss"

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