part 3

28 3 6

"your horny I suppose" 

I don't look at him, I'm embarrassed.

"All those naked men must have got you got and bothered'  he adds.

"Shame we have to go to sleep, we have to work in 4 hours" he's teasing me, the bastard.

"Actually I have the rest of the week off" I shrug.

"Since when" his tone has changed. He sounds annoyed.

"Since Monday"

"Why didn't you tell me" he fumes. I'm no longer embarrassed I'm mad.

"I didn't know I had to report every thing to you, I thought you were my husband and not my boss"

"As your husband I would expect you to want to discuss your plans with me or even include me not go galavanting around new York with your stripper friends leaving me not knowing where you are" he slams his fist on the kitchen island. I pour the last of my water in the sink and turn, this is going to be one of those big arguments I dad warned about.

"If you didn't know where I was you wouldn't have shown up in the bar"

"I only know because you were using my credit card to fund it, the company called because they thought it had been stolen. Male strip clubs aren't my usual hang out funnily enough"

"Your credit card, that's how it is. Make sure you forward the bill, I'll even pay the interest" I'm so mad I'm surprised I can even speak

"It's not the money"

"Then what is it"

He runs his hands through his hair, usually I find it extremely sexy but today I just find it infuriating.

"I already had one wife who's head was turned by other men, I don't need my second wife doing the same"

My heart breaks, "second wife, that's what I am to you. Your second choice"

"You know that's not the case"

"You know what fuck you, I can't believe you would compare me to her" I storm out of the kitchen, I need to get out of here before this escalates. I grab butches lead  and call him, he runs behind me. The elevator closes before Darcy can catch me up, I can't quite make out his expression, he's either mad, sad or both.


I make my way through the dark house, it's so quiet I'm afraid of the noise my footsteps will make. Butch and I climb the stairs, he runs his nose against everything he passes. Everything is new to him, I'm not sure he should be here but I have no choice. I left the apartment with only butch, my bag and the skimpy outfit that barely covers my body. The journey had been difficult, it had cost me a small fortune in cab fare to get here. In hindsight I should have just checked into a hotel or crashed at a friend's. I don't know what I was thinking coming to my parents home, how will I explain my impromptu visit.

My bedroom hasn't changed, not that I had expected it to. I close the door and let butch free. I pout him water and change into an old pair of pyjamas. I snuggle in my sheets and cry in my pillow, butch jumps up beside me. We've not been married a year and here I am sleeping at my parents, im definitely not winning at life. Things can't get any worse.

I hear a loud grunting noise coming the next room, I try to imagine what else my parents could possibly be doing that doesn't include their naked bodies touching. I come up blank.

"I stand corrected now I've hit rock bottom" butch just lowers his head, Im glad my life falling apart isn't affecting him.

I can't even remember what the argument was about or how things spiralled so quickly I just know I miss him. We haven't spent a night apart since I left the hospital after his then wife shot me. Thinking of Elizabeth reminds me that he referred to me as his second wife and suddenly I'm no longer sad I'm mad.


Mom almost jumps out of her skin when she sees me in  my bed, she closes the door before returning moments later with my dad.

"Hi princess, what are you doing here" dad smiles when he sees me.

"I was hoping we could stay for a few days"

Mom's eyes brighten , she looks around my room "where's Darcy, is he in the shower"

"No he's at home"

"You said we" dad comments

"Savannah why is there a dog on the bathroom floor" mom doesn't look impressed.

"Youve met butch, he is your grandchild after all"

Dad laughs,he sinks down and strokes butches head. Mom gives me a look of annoyance.

"Breakfast is in ten minutes, you know the rules breakfast at the table. No night wear allowed"

She points at butch "no dogs either"

"I'll leave him in the dining room "

"With my china, I think not. He can go in the back garden. Savannah if he leaves any gifts you will be cleaning them up"

I pull myself from the bed and head to the bathroom, I wash my face and put my hair in a french plait. I find a yellow cotton summer dress In my closet, it's a little tight but it's better than the dress I arrived in. Mom would have a heart attack if she saw what I wore on a night out.

Breakfast is just as I remember it, were sat around the smell kitchen table. We each have half a grapefruit, mom watches me as I pretend to eat it.

"So what time did you arrive" mom asks.

"Around 6"

"I never heard the door" dad muses.

"I think you were busy" I smirk, my mom's eyes widen. Mom knows I heard them having sex.

"At six, i will have been getting up at that time"

"Patrick" mom warns.

"Oh you were definitely up" I try and fail to keep a straight face.

"What is she talking about, do you know Kathleen"

"Patrick change the subject I beg you"

"I'm sorry I don't get what's funny" he genuinely looks confused.

"Ouch was mom really not that memorable" mom is furious but I can't help but to poke the bear.

"Jesus Christ Patrick she heard us having sex and now she's planning to hold it over us and make our lives a misery"

Dad looks like a deer in headlights, he can't look at me which makes the whole thing funnier.

"I don't know what you find so amusing, your married you know what happens in bed between husband and wife" mom eats her food like we're talking about something casual like gardening.

"I honestly thought you had stopped years ago, 23 years ago to be exact"

"Our sex life didn't stop after having children, we have a healthy sex life in fact"


"I'm going to the office early, will you be here for dinner"

"I don't know, do you and mom keep it strictly to the bedroom or is it dinner with a show" dad scurries from the room and misses my crude comment. I'll have to repeat it later.

"Enough about us, why are you here, where's Darcy and why did you enter the house dressed like a hooker"

"A hooker" I question

"Mrs Dalton saw you arrive by cab, she said your dress hardly covered your bottom"

"Hookers don't wear Gucci"

"Don't change the subject, what happened with Darcy"

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