part 2

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I don't remember agreeing to this when we exchanged vows. I'm on my hands and knees for the second time since I returned home and its definitely not a favourite activity of mine.

"Oh while you're down there" Darcy says suggestively as he approaches.

I give him a dirty look, I'm furious. I continue to scrub at the carpet.

"Which one" Darcy asks.

"This shit belongs to Buffy, the one I cleaned ten minutes ago belonged to Muffy" his late wives dogs are the bane of my life, i swear they are doing this on Elizabeths behalf as punishment.

"What idiot calls dogs Muffy and Buffy" I huff. I look down and add "I kbowbyoyr down the laughing you bitch"

"I thought we shouldn't speak I'll of the dead". Darcy knows he's fucked up the moment he speaks.

"When the dead is a psycho who shot you and only missed your heart by pure dumb luck you are allowed to say what the fuck you want"

"Cocktail,I think we need a cocktail" he walks past me and into the kitchen.

I follow him and throw the gloves and spray in the sink. "Are you sure the dogs are healthy, I wouldn't want them suffering. If it's in their best interest I think it would be unfair to not euthanise them" 

Darcy smirks, he places a cosmo in my hand and kisses my forehead. "The Vet said they are in perfect health considering their age"

"What great news" my voice is dripping with sarcasm.

Darcy wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him, "I'm sorry"

"Maybe one of Elizabeth's relatives will want them, it's a way for them to be closer to her"

Darcy laughs "believe me no one wants to be close to her, plus they know me. They need to stay with me until they die, I owe it to Elizabeth."

"You owe her nothing, but I agree that are your responsibility now. Which means you can clean their shit" I down my drink and storm towards the bedroom.

"Where are we going" Darcy asks as I pull an outfit from the closet.

"I'm going out, your looking after the crusty eyed beasts. They are your responsibility after all" I purposely choose my most revealing dress just to punish him.

"Where are you going, I'll get changed and come with you"

I shake my head " your not invited"

"Don't be like that I said I'm sorry"

"No actually you didn't, their your dogs but I'm the one walking, feeding and cleaning them. I have the scars to prove it" I show him the scratches that fill my arms.

"Let me make it up to you, I can think of 69 ways how" he winks at me, does he really thinks offering me oral will really remedy the situation.

I grab my cell and head to the front door, I open it and look back at my confused husband. "Don't wait up. Also the dogs eat at 8"

I slam the door behind me, I have no idea where I'm going to go. I have no plans but I can't admit that, I've overreacted but it's too late now.


I take a seat in the VIP section and order a bottle of tequila, I'm still mad but Im hoping to see some of my friends and let loose. The stress has gotten to me, I didn't realise how many events I would have to attend with Darcy, I'm running a gallery, keeping a home, looking after 3 dogs and also performing the duties expected of a CEOs wife.

I watch as the girls head into private rooms with the customers, it makes me smile to think of the power they hold. I had hated giving private dances back then but the money had made them palatable. I didn't realise just how much control I had, I miss having control over my own life. I feel like I'm just Darcy's wife I'm not the independent woman I once was.

Joleen steps on to the stage and heads towards me, her eyes grow large when she sees me. I wink and put a Hundred dollar bill in her waistband. Within seconds of her getting backstage everyone will know I'm visiting. We've all kept in touch since I left but I don't see them as much as I would like. My life has changed so much and it's starting to become obvious that I'm not the person I once was.

"You wanting to dance, its pretty busy but I can fit you in for a price" Derek is hovering above me.

"I'm not dancing tonight I'm here solo"

"Where's the boss"

I lift a cigar and place it in my mouth "she's right here"

He laughs before warning me not to distract his girls, as long as I'm spending money he doesn't care. I plan on spending enough money to give the girls a good pay day.

"Private dance then" Derek asks.

"What time do they get off"

"Joleen, Gemma and Chastity get off in an hour"

"Tell them we're going out, I'm paying" 

Derek rolls his eyes but agrees to pass on the message, I rest back in my seat and continue to drink my tequila. I don't look at my phone Im not ready to face Darcy yet, I'm not sure my little melt down was warranted. I feel guilty for taking my bad mood out on him.


"No way my husband will go crazy" I shake my head and dig in my heels, chastity pushes me further in the club.

"Do you always do what your husband says" Gemma asks

"The girl I knew made her own decisions" Joleen adds.

"I still make my own decisions " I straighten up and enter the club. I pay for a private table and bottle service. Its so loud all I can hear is women screaming and it doesnt take me long to see why. A woman announces the next dancer, a tall muscular man takes the stage. The girls playfully fan themselves with money as he removes his clothes,his body is god like. He thrusts by Chastitys face, she cheers and tucks some notes in his black thong.

"I've always wanted to know what that feels like" chastity is on the edge of her seat she's loving life.

"I get it now" Gemma announces.

"Why men pay to watch us dance, it feels good like we're being naughty and breaking the rules but paying makes it ok" she adds.

"Just remember the dancer has all the power" I say, theu nod In agreement.

We drink champagne along with shots of whisky and dance to the club music. I needed this, I needed to let loose with my friends , I dont have to filter myself with them. I can be a hundred percent authentic all the time and that's so liberating.

The final performance is announced, we boo as we take our seats. I don't want the night to end I'm not ready to face Darcy yet

Five dancers take the stage, each is more looking than the last. We throw the last of our notes at the dancers.

"Which would you choose" Chastity asks.

'"none" I shrug

"But Look at his body, imagine the things you could do to him"

"Darcy's hotter" I say honestly.

"Then why are you here and not screwing him" she asks

"I was wondering the same thing" I turn and see Darcy stood behind me with a large receipt in his hand.

"I paid the tab, come on I'll take you ladies home"

The girls all giggle but listen and follow him to the town car

I look up at him, I feel so small "am I in trouble"

He smirks "oh yes, you have been a very bad girl"

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