Work work play

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My first day at the gallery is a modest success, I shadow Jim as he greets customers and talks about the collection. I had looked up the artist and her previous work last night before I went to sleep so I feel comfortable answering any questions I may be asked. It's pretty straight forward, I can do this. I hate to admit it but I actually enjoy my day, maybe my mother was right after all. Maybe my future is in art. I mange to sell one of the more subtle pieces to a young woman who plans to gift it to her boyfriend. Jim is clearly impressed, he nods as I complete the sale. My confidence sky rockets when he hands me the keys and says I can lock up, he must trust me. Most of my day is spent explaining the collection and assuring potential customers that having a penis on their wall doesn't make them a pervert. I'm almost dissapointed when the clock turns 5, I woulf happily stay at work for another 2 hours. I don't have time to stop and think about my day I have only an hour until I'm suppose to meet my friend at our favourite bar.


I shower and quickly dress as soon as I'm back at my apartment I don't have long until I'm due to meet my friend. I had hoped she had cancelled as I'm not really in the mood. My body is aching, I just want to sleep. I don't have the energy to make a great effort with my appearance so natural make up and skinny jeans will have to do.

I smile to myself as I see my friend Suzie propped up against the bar surrounded by men. Suzie is a fiery red head who demands male attention, I don't think she's ever had to look for male attention it just comes to her naturally. For someone so pretty and confident she's never had a serious relationship, her life is one long hangover and a walk of shame. I can guarantee that at the end of the night she wont go home alone, she never does.

I feel like I'm Intruding as I approach them, Suzie looks like she's already having fun. I'm really not needed.

"Savannah" Suzie calla as she sees me, she leaps up and envelops me in a hug.

"I've missed you, where have you been"

"Working" I say honestly.

"Come meet my new friends, I can spare one but not the Jamaican guy, he's mine" she whispers in my ear.

I order a sour whiskey and down it, the blonde to my side looks at me in surprise. "I didn't know women could drink like that"

"We can do Anything men can do, infact we usually do it better"

He throws his head back and laughs "I'm brad"


"Your friend says your a stripper, what's that like"

"I'm not a stripper, I'm an exotic dancer "

"Wow maybe you could give me a private show"

Don't get me wrong Brad is hot but I have no intentions of getting involved with any men right now. My life is confusing enough.

"Maybe not" I say with a tight smile.

I see my ex Tom walking over to me and I can't believe it but I'm actually really pleased to see him.

"Babe you look great, have you been here long" tom snakes his arm around my waist and smells at my neck.

"You smell so good" he coos.

Brad smiles before taking the hint and moving on to the next lucky lady.

"Your welcome" he says as he orders us another round.

"For what, chasing off the hot man"

"Sav I know you, there was no way you were interested in him"

"Is that so"

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