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Chapter 231

While Goku and Qiu Yi were fighting, Dodoria had arrived at the City of Love as quickly as possible.

"King Frieza." Dodoria Hui reported, "I have informed the Ginyu Force as per your instructions."

"And according to the message they sent, it took longer than I expected for them to arrive here. One day in the morning." Dodoria said, "It will take about two days." "Very good." Frieza

curled his lips, "It seems that this farce will be over soon."

With his hands behind his back, he looked at the NPCs passing by through the lounge window. After a while, he said calmly, "The games developed on this planet are pretty good."

"It's just a pity, this place will no longer exist soon."

"If you like, you can keep this planet as a playground." Dodoria suggested, "If you repair the environment of Namek, you can still sell it for a good price."

"You are right, Mr. Dodoria, but I have no intention of taking this planet for my own use," Frieza replied.

Dodoria was startled, a little confused. Since King Frieza liked this planet and this playground, why didn't he keep it?

Frieza didn't say much, he just smiled and said: "Let's use this planet to celebrate my immortal life."

"I believe the fireworks blown up from this planet will be very beautiful." Frieza smiled at the corner of his mouth. His feelings gradually deepened. He liked this playground, but that didn’t mean he liked the games inside. He was the emperor of the universe and a being feared by thousands of people. How could he let the stupid game that recorded him jumping on the pole stay in this universe? ?

As early as the moment Frieza decided to participate in the King of Pole Dance Competition, the future of this planet was destined to be destroyed. Frieza could temporarily lower his body for his own purposes, but once he got what he wanted , then he will use absolute force to crush everything that makes him unhappy or disgusted. Whether it is a game or other life forms, including this planet, they will forever become dust in the universe.

No, not just Namek, but also Earth. Those Earthlings who dared to tease him should also pay the price.

"Mr. Dodoria," Frieza spoke again.

"Yes." Dodoria responded immediately, "What are your orders?"

"Do you still remember the coordinates of the Earth?"

"Yes." Dodoria nodded, "Those Earthlings did not destroy our spaceship, so The coordinate record above is still there."

"Very good." Frieza said in a calm voice, as if he was greeting him every day, "Now I order you to kill all living creatures on the earth."

Dodoria was startled, but did not reply immediately, but said worriedly: "But, King Frieza, some of those Earthlings are very powerful, I'm afraid I can't defeat them."

"You are really an idiot. " Frieza couldn't help but sigh, "How could I accept you idiots? "

"I don't know what these guys are dragging me to, but since they can do this, it shows that they are right. I have no confidence in a head-on fight, so in order to prevent me from getting the Dragon Balls, they will definitely use all their powerful combat forces to deal with me."

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