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Roger was the smartest cyborg at C.S.Z. Even compared to the adults!

His creativity was infinite, but that was when he could be above the surface. He still had his brains and his special correcting paper, it's open, but he didn't have the right condition for his experiments. His mutant Venus Fly Trap plant, Daren, didn't like the chilly lab, some of his test-subjects need sunlight, and his robot-dog Lars needed a place to run.

"Hey dude," said Flambo.

Roger saw that he had been tinker thinking again.

"The secret weapon has not been found or figured out, Roger," Flambo sadly had to say.

"Well your lucky you have me," Roger said slyly.

Everyone in C.S.Z. thought this weapon was of modern or olden day technology, but Roger had a theory that this weapon was magical.

"What is it?" Flambo pried. "Did you figure out what the weapon is?!"

Beep, beep

His magic sensor went off, just like yesterday.

Rogers eyes widened.

"Get The General," Roger hushed.

Flambo rushed out of the lab.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now