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Polan was assigned to go on a search for the secret weapon, turns out Allie was one of the special people who could find the weapon. The surprises from Allie never stopped, but it only made Polan love her more and more. He finished packing and headed for the Cafeteria where her was supposed to meet his travel team who were Allie, Greyland, Roger, Charity, Flambo, Vixen, and his annoying big sister Gloria.

"Were heading through the Tube," Roger said. The tube was a tunnel that lead to the outskirts of Boston.

"From there we'll start looking for the weapon," Roger finished. They all headed to the Tube, anxiety was fierce. They crawled on their hands and knees through the tunnel, but eventually the made it the surface. The Tube lead to a grassy space filled with long growing weeds. Polan was the first to climb out of the Tube, his legs ached from the crawling. He helped the others out who left out slight groans, dusting his hands on his slightly torn up jeans Polan looked at the dusty weed filled grass land.

"Which way?" Polan asked Allie who looked frazzled by the question. She closed her eyes and seemed to be concentrating, eventually she pointed to her left. They all followed Allie till she stopped and lead them right. They walked all day, as the sun set Polan and the other guys except for Roger pitched the tents and started the fire. The girls sat in the grass and talked, if Polan or one of the other guys looked over or seemed to be listening to their conversation the girls showed them off. Polan sat on the grass and put his metal hands over the fire, wondering about what the sensation felt like. Allie walked over to him and sat down close to him, also putting her hands over the fire.

"What's it feel like?" Polan asked her, his heart flying just by looking at her.

"What? The fire?" Allie asked, Polan nodded staring at the flickering flames.

"It feels like," Allie thought. "Like your hand got stuck in the desert for a month."

Polan smiled, he took his metal hands away from the fire. He and Allie just stared at each other.

"Are you scared?" Polan asked Allie, in the few days he had gotten to know her it felt like there was nothing he didn't know about her.

"Yes," she said like it was shaming, and pulled her hands away from the fire. Polan rapped a metal arm comfortingly around her. Allie looked gratefully at Polan. In slow motion Allie leaned in closer, Polan thought she was going to kiss him. Polan felt like his heart was already flying to Pluto, he leaned in closer as well.

"Well, well, well," A voice said breaking the moment.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now