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Carter and Vera had decided to start a little searching party for the cyborg base, Vera thought that the cyborgs would hide in the place most far away from a city so they headed for the outskirts of Boston. They walked and walked, but when the sun went down Carter noticed smoke. Carter and Vera headed in that direction where Carter found his old cyborg chum sitting by the fire about to kiss a cyborg girl. Carter got out his laser blaster gun, prepared to shoot.

"Well, well, well," Carter said, pulling the two cyborgs attention to him.

"Carter," Polan said, his voice quivering a bit. His cyborg buddies hopped out of their tents to see what was going on.

"Vera," A girl who looked just like Vera cried, racing to my colleague. They embraced, Vera stroked the girls hair. They whispered some words I couldn't hear.

Then Vera said, "Carter put down the gun."

Carter looked her like she went mad, what had that girl told Vera?

"What?" Carter turned his head and whisper shouted at Vera who repeat her order. Carter looked at Polan, his anger level went higher.

"It wasn't my fault, Carter," Polan said slowly like every word was a bomb. Carter lowered the gun.

"Yes it was," Carter sternly said. "You let your father kill mine!!!"

"It was an accident," Polan said getting up. "I lost my dad and mom that night! Anyway your dad would beat you like he did every night, my dad was protecting you."

A silent tear went down Carters face, Polan walked up to Carter and hugged him. Surprising everyone even Carter who returned the favor, the hug last a few seconds.

When they finally let go of each other Polan put out his hand like he wanted a handshake and said, "Friends?"

"Friends," Carter said, shaking Polan's hand. For Carter everything changed in an instant, he blamed Polan for his father's death but it was really no one's fault. He thought he was on the right team, but was really on the wrong team.

"I'm...sorry," Carter said, truthfully meaning it. He had made a mistake joining with the Government and he was truly sorry for that and blaming Polan for something that wasn't even his fault. Vera reached one of her hands out and patted him on the shoulder.

"So," Carter said. "How can we help?"

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now