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Polan walked down to Allie's new apartment, he wanted her to be the first to know the battle plans. She was smart and resourceful and just what C.S.Z. needed. He knocked four times on the door, Allie's dad answered.

"Hello Mr. Lewis, is Allie home?" Polan did this in the most polite voice he could.

Mr. Lewis frowned the only thing he had in common with his daughter was their hair color.

"She's out with her other friends," Allie's father answered slamming the door in Polan's face.

Plan walked to the Cafeteria to find Allie sitting at a table with Vera, Charity, and Gloria. The were all laughing at something Gloria had said.

"I'm glad I found you all," Polan said as he sat with the girls. "I got the battle plan drilled into my head."

"I wouldn't tell us in the middle of the Cafe," Vera said.

"True, so where then?" Polan asked.

"Roger's lab," Gloria answered turning a little red, the girl started giggling. Polan couldn't have been more confused.

They all headed down to the lab. Allie and Polan talked about armor and the weapons, the girls were of course suspicious of Polan and Allie.

When they arrived at the lab Roger and Vixen were placing a chip into Greyland's head.

"Hey Roger," Gloria casually said. Roger turned to look at her, he smiled.

"What's up?" He said, wiping his hands on his pants.

"We got a battle plan," Polan said.

"Spill," Roger said, sitting down onto his desk chair.

Polan told of how they will have to wait until Alphie is a week old because dragons age VERY fast, he told them of how they would split up the army into groups and surround Boston while the other C.S.Z.s would attack their cities. One group would head to the capital and attack with the other groups and the C.S.Z. there. They would get the President and try to reason a truce and equality or they would let Alphie loose. If he refused, out went Aphie, if he agreed then they would find a home for Alphie and the Regulars and Cyborgs would hopefully live in peace.

"That sounds like a really good plan," Roger said, the others agreed.

"Good," Polan said. "Allie, can I talk to you?"

"Sure," She shrugged. They walked out of the lab, everyone looking at them.

Polan shut the door, he nervously wiped his hands on his pants.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Polan asked, his voice shaking a little.

Allie looked like a deer in headlights. She shook off the look, and answered him.

"Yes," Allie answered.

They smiled at each other for what seemed like eternity for Polan, but he didn't care. He would love to live in that moment for eternity.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now