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Carter finished the just-in-case punch to the cyborg's head, wiping the sweat off his forehead Carter looked at his half cyborg partner and nodded. She pulled out the chip programed by one of their many hackers. He stared at the half cyborg and felt ashamed. He had worked with her many times, but didn't even know her name.

"What's your name again?," he asked. Her face turned slightly pink, she tucked a blond curl behind her ear, which Carter found, oddly, cute.

"Vera," she answered.

"Carter," he said. It took him an awkward minute, but finally found the hatch on the side of the cyborgs head. He opened the hatch to find wires and ports for chips, he slide the tiny piece into one of the slots and closed the hatch.

"That should do it," Carter said as he wiped his hands on his jeans. The cyborg began to stir, he and Vera ran.

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