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Greyland, Allie, Polan, and Flambo went to investigate where the noise was coming from. Allie said they would follow the light which Greyland couldn't see. Polan had grabbed Allie's hand and was whispering something Greyland couldn't hear.

"What do you think the thing were after is?" Flambo asked Greyland.

"I don't know," Greyland answered truthfully. His mind drifted, he thought about Vixen. How she looked at him when she woke up, how she watched him go off on this little adventure, how it felt like he knew her all his life, how much he loved her.

The group came to a cave, they hid behind any kind of hiding place they could. Greyland peeked out from the boulder he was behind and saw something he thought would never exist.

A dragon.

It had two story long wings, a six story body, and midnight blue scales. Lucky for the group of cyborgs his eyes were shut. Greyland gave Allie a thumbs up signaling that the cost was clear. They crept up to the beast, Flambo's eyes were as big as basketballs.

"What is that?" Flambo whispered. No one answered his question, they were too amazed by the beautiful but deadly creature. Allie reached down and petted the dragon like a kitten, but it didn't stur.

"It's out cold..." Allie started to whisper but was cut off. The dragon lifted it's massive head, opened its jaws and let out a deafening roar. It rancid breath almost made Greyland barf. It placed it's head back the cold stoney cave floor and began to drift back to sleep. A couple of icicle like rock formations shook on the ceiling.

Greyland found a stray scale and picked it up, looking at it with wonder.

Suddenly everything went wrong.

The dragon opened it's eye lid to reveal a yellow cat like eye. It lifted itself up on its massive feet with claws ready to slice Greyland in half. It roared in anger, smoke sputtered out of it's nostrils. It snarled, which sounded worse than ten lions roaring at once.

Greyland noticed the others were frozen with fear, the dragon focused on them. Greyland was too far away to attack the beast.

"Hey ugly," Greyland shouted, distracting the dragon while the others ran to safety but Allie ran past the dragon and disappeared. The dragon charged for Greyland.

Greyland quickly dodged the attack and kicked the dragon in the snout with his iron leg. It's eyes glowed with anger. It charged at Grayland again creating the same effect.

Greyland noticed Allie raced to where Flambo and Polan were hiding, but got knocked over by the dragon's massive tail.


And everything went black. The last thing he thought was one word and a face, Vixen.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now