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It happened so quickly, one moment Vixen was a pale, blond curly haired, sapphire eyes like her sister, and Regular, teenager walking casually down the street without a care in the world then suddenly was being pulled through a stinky ally by a stranger. It happened like this, Vixen was walking down the street thinking about her crazy day at school. Marco had lost his backpack and they had to go on a mad dash trying to find it while it eventually showed itself in Marco's locker. Paige had finally been asked to be someone's date for the Christmas dance by her crush Charlie. And craziest of all, Marco asked Vixen to be his date to the Christmas dance. She of course said yes. Vixen blushed at her last thought. A boy in all black, his face covered by his hoody, sprung from out of the shadows of a trash can. He then grabbed her hand he ran, dragging her as she wailed for help. He pulled her into an alley which had a trash can that smelled so gross that she had cover her face with the one hand gloved the stranger let her keep. He pushed her into a corner of the horrible smelling garbage can, and pressed an invisible button which made Vixen sure he was insane, but a trap door opened up. Her eyes widened as she was pulled into the dark space, when the stink of trash was gone she pulled her hand away and the stranger let her.

"What is wrong with you? What is this place? If my name isn't Vixen Acton then you're not freak!" she screeched at the stranger, as he walked down the dark stairs. Suddenly the lights turned on revealing an underground city, which was staring at her. She glanced over to the stranger, he was a head taller than her so she had to look up at him which made her feel defenseless. to see him take off his hood to reveal his pumpkin orange hair, yellow eyes, and freckles that crossed body like the Milky Way. It also revealed that he was cyborg. Looking around at the other people to her surprise it everyone was cyborg.

"I think everyone here has heard that word to many times," said the handsome stranger.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now