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Polan had Flambo on playground duty, this meeting wasn't for Skippers.

" it...thank you," Polan got off the radio. His face turned as stiff as stone. "The Generals coming."

We waited in the cold stiff silence till the door of Rogers lab busted open.

"Is this good news or bad news?" The General asked in her booming voice.

"Good news," Roger replied contently. He pointed to his magic detector which detects large amount of positive radiative waves, also known as magic.

"When did it go off?" Asked The General, she examined the machine with curiosity.

"Five minutes ago," replied Polan. "We do not know what made it, but we know it's somewhere in C.S.Z. or nearby."

She sat down in her chair.

"This is serious. You all know that right?"

"Well yes, assuming magic exists."

"Of course it exists!!!!" The General screeched. No one went against The General's beliefs in magic.

Polan sighed. "If we are chasing fairy tales and pixie dust then I want no part in it. I mean, Roger, the sensor only went off for five seconds while Flambo was here right? Ask him."

There is a possibility that his sensor detected something on Flambo. But what?

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Where stories live. Discover now