Coming To A Close

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Rayna laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. She felt this hole in her chest, everything had been shattered. There were so many pieces missing. Those pieces Anthony had snatched from her when he told her that he had fallen for another woman. Something that was so beautiful, so right turned into something so ugly, so wrong.

She had her soul taken, stomped on and burned. Rayna felt so empty other than the growing child in her womb. Anthony's child, the man's she loved offspring. After they tried countlessly to conceive, now she was left alone with it. Alone. That was a new word for Rayna. She hadn't felt that in so long. She had almost forgot what it was like the feel pain. This was different than when she lost Ben. This was a different loss. Something almost undefinable. It hurt so much, Rayna caught even find the strength to cry or even whimper.

"I can't believe this shit." Terry said with his head in his hands.

"We should've stopped this." Alexis said. "When we saw that bitch we should've told Rayna instead of trusting him."

"This wasn't him. It's that girl putting the bug in his ear and flipping it. She playing him." Terry said.

"What about Rayna, Terry? She is pregnant with his baby!" she said with the tears forming in her eyes.

Terry got up from the bed and held Alexis's shoulders to keep her calm. "We've tried. He won't listen to anyone. I've had his own family call me to ask me what is going on. He has shut everyone out over this female that just popped up out of the damn blue."

"Fucking bitch!" Alexis growled letting the tears fall. Terry brought her in close, letting her sob in her chest.

They had to sit and watch idly by as their friends' relationship fall apart at the seams. This was a shock to everyone and everyone was so heartbroken. Not as heartbroken as Rayna, however.

Rayna was swearing this was a dream. She was going to wake up next to Anthony and they would still be happy. However, she was wide awake. Rayna couldn't figure out what she had to done wrong. Was it her that pushed him away? Was her getting a job and her inability to be pregnant enough to make him seek solace with another woman?

Every question that popped up in Rayna's mind just made it seem like she was the problem. She felt this tightness in her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. She rubbed her stomach remember the blossoming little baby inside her.

The baby that just might grow up without a father. How could Anthony deny her being pregnant. Rayna set aside her wants for him. Rayna tried and took medicine for him to have a child. She was getting ready to give him the most beautiful gift in the world. The one thing he has always wanted. Rayna was willing to sacrifice a year of her career so he could have his child. Now, Anthony was abandoning her and his child.

Everything was coming to a close. Anthony had mailed the papers to Terry's house. Alexis couldn't even bring Rayna the papers.

"Rayna." Terry called. She came from the living room and into the kitchen. Alexis slowly passed the paper to her. Rayna scanned the paper and put it back on the isle. She walked off back to a hiding spot.

Alexis looked at Terry with worried eyes. She picked up the paper and looked at it. "He's trying to rush the divorce."

"He probably wants to be done with it by the time football season starts." Terry said.

"Rayna doesn't deserve this." she said pouring another drink.

"Do you think she'll file for child support?" he asked.

"She should. There's no reason for Rayna to be lying about having his kid." Alexis said. "I mean as bad as he wanted a kid you think she'd lie to him!"

"Anthony's mind is clouded. I don't even think there is reasoning with him right now." Terry said.

"We should've told her." Alexis sighed.

"You knew?" Rayna said hoarsely.

Terry and Alexis turned to Rayna in the entry way of the kitchen. They saw the blankness in her face. That face of someone that had given up.

"Rayna." Terry said getting ready to explain what happened.

"No. You knew and you didn't tell me?" she said pointing at them.

"Honey, we told him to tell you. You should've heard it from him." Alexis said.

"But, you could've told me. You are my friends." Rayna said with the tears filling up. "You let me walk around here and believe that it was just us having a problem. You should've told me you saw him with another woman. You're my best friends and you didn't say anything to me."

"Come here." Alexis said walking up to her to give her a hug. Rayna backed up.

"No! Why didn't you talk to me?! You should've told me!" Rayna said.

"We're sorry." Terry said. "We wanted to give Anthony a chance. You deserved better and we knew we just..."

Rayna stood there and wept as Alexis tried to console her. She escorted her back to her room and sat on the bed with her as Teenie laid her head in her lap.

Everything was crashing down and Rayna wasn't prepared to hold it together. Her husband was off loving another woman while she had to prepare herself for a divorce and a child. She didn't even have the energy to argue for what she wanted. All Rayna wanted right now was for everything to be over.

Anthony opened his door to Ariane. She had this huge smile on her face and was looking as beautiful as ever.

"Missed me?" Ariane said.

Anthony pulled her in for a tight hug and a kiss. He shut the door behind him then pulled away from Ariane.

"It's so good to see you." Anthony said.

"I hate to ask but how is everything going with the divorce?" she said with the evil laugh going in her head.

"Well, she signed the papers. I doubt this will be as messy as most." he said. "Rayna doesn't have a real taste for conflict. She'll settle."

"As long as you're happy." Ariane said.

Ariane didn't care about Anthony. That was just a front. She wanted the money and as soon as Anthony was officially and legally seperated. However, she knew if she wanted the big bucks her plan was going to have to go a lot longer than expected.

Ariane would have to marry Anthony and drain him financially over a period of time to get what she really wanted. Anthony had no idea. He played right into her hand. Ariane deserved an award for how well she fooled Anthony. She had such power that she convinced Anthony out of her marriage. And had a feeling that taking his money was going to be a breeze. All she needed to do was to play her cards right and she'd be one rich lady.

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