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Anthony had just moved Ariane into his house. They also got a new dog, a Pomeranian. Anthony did not like small dogs. He wanted to get another big dog, something that would protect the house. Anthony wanted a dog like Teenie, but she was gone now. She was such a good companion. Now, it seemed liked Anthony was going to sacrifice so much for Ariane. 

Ariane asked, begged, and whined for a brand new Porcshe. Anthony ended up caving and giving it to her. Just like he did all the time. She asked for so much and with no 'thank you' or any sign of appreciation. Anthony laid next to her at night just thinking. Who couldn't enjoy nor want the finer things in life? But to want so much of them. 

Ariane would go out most nights. Partying or meeting with friends, leaving Anthony to take care of the high maintenance Pom Pom, Lizzy then coming back at late hours. Anthony felt alone. More alone than he had ever been in his life. He told himself that he had everything he wanted. A nice house, a great job, a beautiful girlfriend who loved him. However, still he was unhappy in some aspects.

Anthony had to leave for a visit to the hospital. He asked Ariane to come along however she just wasn't up for it. At first, Ariane would come but now she just wasn't for it. So, he went alone and make the children smile which made him smile.

Ariane was walking around the house. Enjoying Anthony's house while he wasn't there was grand. She could roam and do things freely without being bothered by him. She walked into his office since she had never been in there before. 

Ariane picked up and examined the picture of them on the desk. It was day they went out to a charity event and they had a photo booth. The impromptu poses and silly kisses were a sign of happier times. Or the times were Ariane was putting on an act. While putting the frame back on his desk, she moved the mouse and it woke the screen. His email was still open along with other tabs. She slid into his chair and decided to be a little nosy.

She scrolled down his mailbox opening various emails. Whether it was offers from stores, business emails, or messages from friends. She kept going and was struck to see a certain name pop up.

Rayna Clarke

Ariane clicked on the email and was stunned at the contents. It was a letter to Anthony stating that she actually had children. With the written email, a picture of the three babies bundled up in plush soft blankets. Ariane couldn't tell what sex any of the children were. However, two of the babies looked exactly like Anthony when he was that age. She knew that because of the family picture that sat on his desk that was taken when he was first born. 

Ariane jumped from the chair and was shocked. She had no idea that Rayna was pregnant. She had destroyed something before it could even flourish. Anthony paid it no mind all because Ariane had sank her manicured claws into him. Ariane was the reason these children would have no father. 

Ariane quickly deleted the email. There was no way this woman was going to take Anthony from her. She wasn't going to let all she had worked for go to waste. Anthony and his money was hers for the taking. No Rayna or any children were going to take that from her. 

Anthony came home on his phone. He walked into the bedroom with a confused look on his face.

"How was your visit?" Ariane asked.

"It was fine. I just can't understand something." Anthony said.

"Understand what?" she asked.

"At first, I had 409 emails that were unread. Now, I have 371." he said going through his phone.

"Maybe, it's a glitch." Ariane said shrugging.

"Even then that number doesn't add up. Something must have gotten deleted." he said going through his email.

"Just change your password and some of your information. I'm sure it's nothing major." she said walking over to him.

She hugged him and kissed him. Ariane had the image of her deleting the email in the back of her mind. Anthony would never find out about his children.

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