Say Hello

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"Anthony." a sweet voice said.

Anthony stirred and opened his eyes to see Rayna laying next to him in some sand. "Rayna?"

"I can't wait for you to be back in my arms. It's been so long." she said.

"I can't wait either." Anthony said. Rayna took his hand. 

"I've missed you. I've been forever for this." she said kissing his hand. "Promise you'll take care of me and the kids when you get here."

"I promise. On my heart, I promise." he said. "I'll do everything I can to make you and our children happy."

"Wake up, Mr. Steele." Rayna said.

"What?" Anthony said.

"Mr. Steele, it's time to wake up." a voice said.

Anthony was being tapped out of his sleep. He looked up at the flight attendant.

"Mr. Steele, we've arrived in Houston, sir." she said.

"Right." Anthony said getting up. He entered William P. Hobby airport, collected his bags and got his rental. He set up at a hotel close to where Rayna was supposedly living. Anthony picked up the phone and called Terry.

"Hey, man. You landed?" Terry asked.

"Yeah. I'm in my hotel room right now." Anthony said. "Terry, I'm not going to lie. I'm scared."

"You have no reason to be scared. You're there to make things right and get to know your kids." Terry said.

"Did Alexis tell Rayna I was coming?" Anthony asked taking a breath.

"As far as I know, she didn't." Terry said. "You need to relax. Things will go fine." 

"What if it doesn't? What if they hate me or Rayna won't even look at me?" Anthony said.

"Relax. Look, I'll give you a little insight on each on of them if that makes you feel better." Terry said.

"That might help. Gives me an idea of what I'm walking into." Anthony said.

"Okay so they are triplets. Each are 15 minutes apart. Ivy was the first. She's smart and very open-minded. She's an extremely bright girl and her smile makes everything better. The second is Sawyer. He's a real good kid. He really takes care of everyone and has a big heart. The last is Anthony Jr. He's a tough one. Hate to say this but, he has it out for you." Terry said.

"Okay. Well, I think I can handle this." Anthony said.

"You can. You'll be just fine. You know what, call your dad. I'm sure he has the perfect advice for you." Terry said.

"I will. Thanks again, Terry." Anthony said.

"What are friends for?" Terry said.

"I'l call you later." Anthony said before hanging up. He took a breath then called his father, Allen.

"Hello?" Allen said.

"Hey, dad." Anthony said.

"How's everything going? You made it to Texas right?" Allen said.

"Yes. I wanted to speak to you before I go find Rayna. I'm a little scared." Anthony said.

"Oh son. You should feel confident. It's going to be fine." Allen said.

"Dad, I've never met these kids. I'm really nervous. I don't know what's going to happen once I see them." Anthony said.

"Rayna's a very good girl. Hopefully, she'll welcome you with open arms. The kids, they'll be glad to finally meet you, I'm sure." Allen said.

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