Taking Care Of Business

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Terry answered the door to see Tyra, Quinton and Kevin. He greeted them and let them in. With the sorrow circumstances, no one could really say it was good to see the other. Rayna called them and immediately, without her asking, they had booked a flight to Seattle to get her.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Alexis said watching Rayna putting on her shoes.

"I need to. I can't stay here." Rayna said.

"But, Rayna..." Alexis was about to plead with her. She didn't want her best friend to go back to the South, so far away where she couldn't get to here.

"I can't be in the same state with him and that woman. I can't go anywhere here without looking over my shoulder to see if their around." Rayna said.

"That's giving them power!" Alexis said with tears in her eyes. "Please reconsider."

"Alexis, I'm sorry. I know it may seem selfish but, I just can't..." Rayna whimpered.

"Rayna, you're my only friend here. I don't want to lose you." Alexis said letting the tears fall.

Rayna brought Alexis into a hug. "You aren't losing me. You can call me, visit me. I know this place that makes big ass Texas margaritas." 

Alexis laughed through the tears. "Promise me you'll be okay."

"I guarantee it." Rayna said pulling away.

Kevin knocked on the door and opened it. "We are ready when you are."

Rayna nodded and Kevin grabbed two of her bags. Rayna picked up her purse, another suitcase and grabbed hold of Teenie's leash. Alexis escorted them downstairs and into the entry way. Rayna hugged her parents and thanked them for flying out to rescue her.

She hugged Terry and Alexis one more time before leaving with her family. Once at the airport, they checked in and waited for their plane.

"I still want to go to that house and make him pay." Kevin growled.

"Stop." Tyra said stroking her daughter's hair while holding her.

"We are really going to let this man hurt Rayna and get away with it!?" Kevin said.

"Son, let go and let God handle it. Vengeance is His." Quinton said turning the page of his book.

"Well, I'm gon do it first, goddamn." Kevin said.

"Hey! No more of it!" Tyra said sternly.

"So, we just head back to Texas. That's it." Kevin said.

"No. Rayna has a stop she needs to make." Tyra said.

Rayna couldn't go to Texas without settling some business first. She had to go to Virginia. 

Rayna knocked on the Steele's door. Kendall answered it and pulled her into a hug.

"I don't care about anything. You're still my sister." she said.

"I love you, too Kendall." Rayna said. "I need to see your parents, though. Are they home?" 

"Come in." Kendall said.

Kendall walked Rayna to the patio where Marian and Allen Sr. were seated having tea and talking. 

"Mom? Dad?" Kendall said.

They turned and looked at Rayna walking through the threshold of the door.

"Rayna?" Marian said surprised. 

"Hi... Mrs..." Rayna said. She started struggling. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to you call you now."

"It doesn't matter whether you are married to our son or not. We are still your family." Allen said getting up to hug her.

Rayna hugged back after she pulled away and was offered a seat she was ready to settle a few things.

"I apologize, right of the bat, for not answer calls, text or emails. I just needed a little peace before I jumped into anything. I guess I'll start off by saying I'm going back to Texas. I just need a sense of home and Seattle just isn't anymore." Rayna said. "I moved to Seattle for Anthony and now that I don't have him..."

"You know we will be with you for whatever." Kendall said.

"I appreciate that." Rayna said rubbing her stomach. "And I'm sure my baby will, too."

"What?" Kendall said.

"You're pregnant?" Allen asked.

"I found out the day he asked for the divorce. I tried telling him but, Anthony thought I was lying because we had such a hard time conceiving. I took medicine and he wouldn't touch me. I guess me being infertile and having to use prescriptions to give him children is what drove him away." Rayna said holding back the tears.

"Oh my God." Marian said.

"He can't abandon you! Not now!" Kendall said.

"I'm sorry, honey. He already has. I can try as much as I want but, Anthony won't acknowledge the pregnancy. I'm on my own as far this kid goes." Rayna said.

"He has to be a father to that baby!" Allen said.

"Allen, please." Marian said.

"I'm going to do the best I can to parent this child without Anthony. As much as I wish this child can have a mother and a father, I have to do it solo." Rayna said.

"I don't agree with this." Allen said.

"I don't either. What can I do though? He didn't listen to me and he won't listen to anyone else. Can you guys just support me?" Rayna asked.

"Of course. That baby is our family as much as it is yours." Allen said.

Rayna spent some time with Kendall, talking and catching up. She made it clear that she was still going to be the best sister to Kendall. She wasn't going to suffer due to Anthony's mistakes. She made sure that Anthony's family had all of the necessary contact info and as soon as she got set up in a permanent home.

With that, Rayna got on a flight to Texas with her family to get her life together and prepare for her child.

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