Ignore It

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Rayna woke up in her guest bedroom next to Anthony. She smacked her forehead, remembering the previous night getting Anthony into Hennessy and here she was having had sex with him for a second time. She carefully got out the bed and gathered her clothes before creeping back into her room. She washed away last night and her shame in the shower.

She couldn't keep doing this. Rayna cared about Anthony but, sleeping with him was not what she wanted to do. She didn't feel comfortable doing it. Rayna knew Anthony was going to take it the wrong way. 

Truth was that, Rayna loved Anthony. However, she had so much weighing on her. She felt liked them sleeping together was wrong. They hadn't seen each other in years and this was not the way to go about it. Rayna wasn't looking for love. She was looking to help Anthony and her kids. Plus, she still remembered the worst of their times. Even if she wanted to open up and let Anthony in, there was still a part of Rayna that couldn't let go of what happened. She did forgive Anthony for what happened but, something was holding onto what was her past.

Anthony woke up and was looking to feel Rayna on the other side of the bed but, was disappointed when he reached and felt only the sheets. He got up and put his clothes on. Anthony peeked out into the hallway and saw her bedroom door was closed. He went to knock on it but, heard crashing in the kitchen.

He went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Rayna was sweeping up some broken glass from the kitchen floor.

"Need some help?" he asked.

Rayna looked up at him and grimaced. "I got it." 

"You should be careful. You have no shoes on." Anthony said mentioning her bare feet.

"That's the least of my problems." she said getting the last of the glass.

"And what would be the most of your problems?" he said. "Is sleeping with me one of them?"

"Stop. I'm not having this discussion." Rayna said emptying the dust pan.

"Why?" Anthony said.

"Don't start with me this morning, Anthony." she growled through her teeth before she turned to the cabinet to get a bowl out.

"So we're just going to ignore it, right? Ignore what happened last night. And the time before that?" he asked. Rayna slammed the cabinet and turned to him, leaning against the counter. She took a deep breath.

"Look, last night was a mistake. You had liquor in your system and I just wanted to get you to bed." Rayna said.

"So, we're going to blame it on the alcohol? Rayna, what is it? Why are shutting me out?" Anthony asked.

"Clearly, I'm not shutting you out if we had sex last night." she said.

"Past that, you are shutting me out. Tell me what it is. Why are you holding back?" he asked going to her taking her hand. Rayna pulled her hand away and crossed her arms. Anthony didn't like her pulling away from him. "Rayna, I am in love with you."

Those words just made Rayna want to break down. Her attentions were not to make this man fall in love with her nor for them to even be together. She just wanted to fix her family. 

"Does that mean anything to you? At all, Rayna?" he asked. He had hurt in his voice from her not responding. Rayna loved Anthony but, she just couldn't fall into him.

"Anthony, I care about you." she said.

"That's not what I want to hear." Anthony said.

"Anthony, I know it's not. But, you have to understand that I..." Rayna couldn't give a real answer without revealing her feelings. She shouldn't have to hide from him. This was the love of her life and he shouldn't have to suffer more than he really has.

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