Get Out The Truck

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Rayna pulled out a dress that was hidden in the back of her closet. She took it off the hanger and held it up to her, thinking about how she'd look in it. She and the kids were going to have dinner with Anthony at the hotel he was staying. She wanted to look nice but, Rayna kept reminding herself that it was just dinner.

"I don't understand why the hell he gets to come back in our lives and we have to welcome him with open arms." Junior said.

"He's our father. He helped create us." Sawyer said folding and putting away his clothes.

"Again, fuck that man. He ain't showed up a day in our lives and now he pops up. Plus, he might be here just for Mom." Junior said.

"He isn't. Mom talked about how he always wanted kids and a family. He just came from a bad marriage with no children. Nothing came out of it. He just found out about us. So, if you had kids you've wanted for forever and found out they actually existed, you'd want to meet them right?" Sawyer said.

"Don't try to level with me. He left Mom. He pushed her out. I can't respect him. Never will." Junior said.

"Anthony, have you ever thought about forgiveness?" Sawyer said. "In church, Pastor Johnston spoke of forgiveness. You have got to forgive Dad or else you can't find peace. That's why you are angry all the time. You've never been able to let go of things that happened may before we were born."

"So, I'm supposed to act like it didn't happen?" Junior said. Ivy walked in just then and sat with her brother.

"No one is saying for you to forget. Just to forgive. Mom even told us that it wasn't all his fault. It was some woman that was the reason Mom and Dad didn't stay together." Ivy said.

"That still doesn't make up for why he wasn't here." Junior said.

"What do you want from him?" Sawyer said. "To get down on his knees and beg for your forgiveness? The man just found out we even existed."

"It's not like he saw us before and never acknowledged us, Anthony." Ivy said.

"Regardless, I don't give a shit." Junior said.

"Now, you are just being an asshole." Sawyer said.

"That's better than being absent from my kids' lives for 15 years. I mean look at us! We are going be sophomores. Do you not realize how much he has missed out on?" Junior said.

"All the more reason to for us to get close to him and spend some time with him." Ivy said.

"Whatever." Junior said giving up in his argument.

"You better start getting ready. We'll be out of here in an hour." Sawyer said. 

Rayna and the kids were all loading in the SUV to go to Anthony's hotel. "Are you guys excited?"

"Yes." Ivy said practically bouncing in the front seat.

"Yes, ma'am." Sawyer said.

"Hell nah..." Junior whispered.

"Stop cussing." Rayna said. "I want everyone on their best behavior."

"Okay." Ivy and Sawyer said in unison.

"I know I was talking to everyone in this car." Rayna said sternly.

"Yeah, whatever." Junior groaned.

Rayna pulled up to a stop light and turned around to look at Junior. "You better fix that damn attitude before we get to this restaurant. I don't want to have to whoop your ass in these heels but, I will if you want to go there." she growled.

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