Down Memory Lane

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Rayna was very happy that Anthony Jr. was finally getting along with his dad. They talked and laughed. She watched her three kids gathered around their father and listen to him tell a story from his high school days.

The kids interrupted in laughter after their dad finished telling the story.

"Kids, it's time for bed. You guys need to be in the weight room by 1." Rayna said.

"Can we at least have one more hour?" Ivy said.

"No, I have to side with your mother on this. Your mom said it's time for bed. You guys have practice in the morning." Anthony said.

"Good night, Dad." Ivy said leaning to kiss her dad.

"Good night, Ivy." Anthony said.

"See you tomorrow." Sawyer said. Anthony got off the couch and hugged his son. 

"Alright." Anthony said.

"Good night." Junior said. They fist pounded.

The kids went to tell their mother good night and like that they were off to bed. Anthony sighed as Rayna came around with a bottle of Gatorade.

"God, I wish I could've seen them growing up." Anthony said.

"I might have something close to that." Rayna said going to the book shelf. She pulled out a huge scrapbook and went to sit with him. "You will not believe the amount of pictures that were taken of these kids."

Rayna opened the book and the first picture was the ultra sound of the triplets.

"Wow." Anthony said. He turned the page and saw pictures of Rayna pregnant. One from each month.

"Yeah, no one told me the more kids you are holding the bigger your stomach is." she said. She pointed to a picture of her at the full nine months. 

"And you're a little thinner." Anthony said looking at her then looking up and down.

"Yeah well, I had a bit of a surgery to get rid of the excess skin and I lost a little weight." Rayna said. "Having to feed them at odd hours threw me off. And when I did eat it was small stuff."

"You still look amazing." he said. "Always have."

Rayna blushed a little. Anthony kept flipping and saw a group picture of the triplets as infants. "Tyra took them to take that photo. They were 5 months in that one, I think." Rayna said.

There was a photo of them at Christmas. Rayna was lifting Ivy up to put an angel on one of the branches of the tree. Sawyer was preoccupied drooling on a cookie and Junior was playing with wrapping paper. Rayna laughed. Anthony smiled and turned the page.

The next photo was their first birthday. Ivy have icing smeared on her cheeks while Sawyer had it on his hands and Junior had cake all over his clothes.

The next photo was their first day of school. They were all in uniforms in the backseat of a truck. Ivy had a smile, Sawyer had a straight face, and Junior was crying.

"Oh my God. You have no idea how much I struggled to get Junior in the truck. He was not having it that day." Rayna said shaking her head. "He kicked and screamed, begging for me not to take him to school."

Page after page was a trip down memory lane for Rayna but, a look at what he wasn't going to get back for Anthony. He got to the end of the pictures with a more recent photo of Rayna standing and the three kids kneeling down smiling. Rayna looked up at Anthony.

His eyes were puffy and Rayna could predict the tears. Before one could even roll down his cheek, she wiped it.

"Rayna, I'm so sorry." Anthony said.

"Stop apologizing to me." she said.

"No. I did this to us. All because of her. I did this. I should've never left you. We could be happy. We could be together had I not chose her over you." he said letting the tears fall.

"No. It's okay. Stop blaming yourself. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Rayna said.

Anthony shook his head and looked to Rayna. "We should still be married, Rayna. We should be together and raising our kids. I'm so sorry for what I did to you. You did not deserve that."

"Anthony, I'm fine. You're fine." she said taking his hand. "Stop feeling sorry. I'm not mad at you for anything that happened back then.  You are here now."

"I missed out on so much. I should've been there. I should've been here to teach Junior how to throw a spiral. I could've been there to help Sawyer with his blocking, I should've been there to take Ivy to a father-daughter dance. I didn't. I wasn't and now look at us." Anthony said feeling ashamed and covering his face.

Rayna took his hands. "Anthony, look at me." she said. Anthony looked at her with watery eyes. "It's by the grace of God you are here now. It's okay. Now is a better time than not being here at all. You can spend time with them now. It doesn't matter when you got here. It matters that you are here."

Anthony nodded and put both his hands on Rayna's stomach. He envisioned her being pregnant and him getting to feel his children kicking. That could only be a dream now.

"Come here." Rayna said. Anthony got closer for Rayna to hug him. He held her close and she rubbed his back. Anthony was engulfed by her smell. He missed this. Being wrapped up in her. Anthony remembered all the times being with her, holding her, kissing her, the times they laughed, the great days they shared, their wedding day and they vows they took to keep each other. Anthony loved her so much back then. He was beginning to all over again. Rayna was Anthony's goddess and he had a second chance to worship her.

Rayna pulled away from him. In one swift move, Anthony kissed her on the lips. Rayna was shocked but, she sank right in. She kissed back and let the kiss deepen. Anthony lifted her up and sat her in his lap. Rayna moaned in his mouth. 

There it was again. That hunger that Rayna had suppressed for years. Having three kids left little time for certain things and pleasuring herself was one of them. And sometimes when she could, it wasn't enough either. Anthony started to kiss her neck. Rayna moaned and felt Anthony's hands slide down her back and grabbed her butt. Anthony moved from her neck and back up to her lips. Their tongues wrestled each other.

Anthony needed this. He wanted to feel her again. He needed someone that was going to love him. Anthony needed something to hold close and feel that warmth again. He needed someone with a lot to love about them and Rayna was in the category.

Anthony pushed up her dress and lifted her up. Rayna wrapped her legs around him and latched onto his neck. Anthony carried them up the stairs without breaking the kiss. He needed his Rayna tonight.

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