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Rayna was finally getting a day off. It was Saturday and after a long week and a football game, she could finally relax. Her kids had taken the day to themselves to be with friends and bond with each other. Rayna let them catch a ride with their friends, gave them each some money and told them to be careful. She felt at peace in the media room of her home, sipping some wine and watching a movie with her two dogs at her feet.

Her phone rang and she hoped to high heaven that it was not some patient or another calling them inquiring about an injury or ailment.

She picked up her phone and saw it was one of her sons' coaches, David Kenneth. She answered it and put it up to her ear.

"Coach Kenneth?" she answered.

"Hey, Rayna. How are you doing?" he said.

"I'm fine. Why have you called?" Rayna said.

"I uh...Well, first off, forgive me if I step out of bounds. I just...I was wondering if you'd liked to spend a little time with me." David said.

"Spend a little time?" she said.

"Yes. You know you work hard. You are a very beautiful woman. There's nothing about you that I can not admire. If you could be ever so gracious and please bless with me with taking you out for dinner." he said.

"Wow, David. That is a very generous offer and I would love to take you up on it but I think it would be a little inappropriate for us to date." Rayna said.

"Why do you say that?"David said sounding discouraged.

"Come on, David. For one, you are my sons' coach. Two, the school has rules against us fraternizing." Rayna said.

"They don't have to know." David said.

"You are making a good offer but, I rather not. I want to keep this professional with everyone and that includes you." she said. "Just do me the favor and be understanding."

"I do understand but, tell me this. Is it me?" he asked.

"No, it's not you. It's just the fact I'm devoted to my children and my job. Also, the fact I'm just not interested in being romantically involved in anyone." Rayna said.

"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?" David said trying to persist.

"Good night, David." she said hanging up.

Rayna shook her head and rewinded her program. She was in no way interested in being in a relationship. She had three kids to care for and two dogs. A man did not needed to be added to the list of things to care for. It wasn't that Rayna was afraid of another failed relationship. It just she wasn't worried about having a man.

In reality, no one could really love Rayna how Anthony did. The things he did, the things he said, the extra miles he took. It had nothing to do with the money he had unlike it was for Ariane. It was because they had a real love, a genuine love. A love where you knew the other person like the back of your hand. The love that goes so far that you'd do anything just for them to smile. That love where just by them breathing you feel like the luckiest person in the world. Rayna couldn't feel that way about anybody. Why?

Because, Anthony was simply the best.

"You know he really likes you." Sawyer said.

Rayna turned around startled to see her children walking into the room. "What did I tell y'all about sneaking up on me?"

"We're sorry." Ivy said coming over to give her a kiss.

"You didn't call to say you were coming home." Rayna said.

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