What Are We?

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It was another night after dinner at Rayna's house. The kids had one more week before school and Anthony was spending a lot of time with them before and after practice. It was clear he was becoming a family man and Rayna appreciated.

Rayna was done washing dishes and Anthony was wiping down the table.

"How is house hunting going?" Rayna said.

"Fine. I found a place that I really did like. I think the kids would like it, too." Anthony said. "There could be a week where I have them stay with me maybe. Give you a break."

"We can make an arrangement maybe." she said. "Anything to drink?"

"Yeah some water." he said going to sit on the couch in the living room.

Rayna came back with a glass of water and she had a glass of wine for herself. Rayna and Anthony were on very good terms. However, there was still the burning question between the two of them and some was going to have to ask sooner or later.

"So, I want to talk to you about something only when you are ready." Anthony said taking a sip.

"And what is that?" Rayna said sipping her wine.

"The past few nights. You and me?" he said. "I know I was pressuring you and all but...I need to know. I want to be plain about what is going on between us."

Rayna sighed. "We have love for each other. I won't deny that I feel something for you."

"So, what am I to you now? What are we?" Anthony asked.

"You are my ex-husband. We are co-parenting at the moment. And we seem to be rekindling a very old flame." Rayna responded.

"So do you love me?" he said.

"Oh, I have love for you. So in a way, I do love you." she said sipping her wine.

"That's not what I want to hear. Do you love me?" Anthony said. "Do you love me like you did then?"

"Anthony, I could be dead in my grave and I would still love you." Rayna said.

"Then, why would you turn from me at first? Why push me out?" he said.

"Anthony, it's been a long time. A really long time." Rayna started.

"Don't sugarcoat it. I'm not some naive child." Anthony said. "Give it to me straight."

"How do I know I can trust you? How do I know that I'm secure with you, Anthony?" she said.

"You don't trust me?" Anthony asked a little surprised.

"What's to say that you will not cheat on me again? Run off with another female." Rayna said.

"You have no reason to be scared with me." Anthony said.

"I have every reason." she said.

"What do I have to do to make you trust me? Tell me what you want. Anything can be yours." Anthony said.

Rayna shook her head. "It's not going to be like that."

"Rayna, you know me. You are the one woman who knows me and understands me entirely. There will never be another woman like you nor even close. I was fool for 16 years trying to be with someone else when you are the one that holds my heart." Anthony said.

"Someone else had your heart for 16 years." Rayna said.

"No, she didn't. Even if she did...she didn't care of it. She didn't take care of me. Not how you do." he said. "I may have left you but, I came back. I came back because God created us for each other. We have a real love. You know what they say. It's real if it comes back to you."

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