New Addition

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Anthony and Rayna were laid up in bed on a rainy night and Rayna had one thing on her mind. Hailey. Rayna felt like she had a connection with this little girl. She felt the same way about Hailey as she did her three children. Rayna also felt horrible that Hailey had been abandoned like she was. Hailey deserved a family that would love her like every child she have.

"What's on your mind?" Anthony said rubbing her legs.

"Anthony, have you ever thought about us having another baby?" Rayna said. "Like not joking. Like us having another baby."

"I thought we agreed that has conceiving a child at this stage in our lives wouldn't be in our best interest." Anthony said.

"No. I mean...I know you've thought about what if things when differently. You never got to change a diaper or bottle feed. Don't you ever think about doing that." she said.

"Yes. I have." Anthony said thinking about the times he wished he was around for the triplets.

"What if you had a second chance and you could do all of that stuff?" Rayna said.

"I'd probably take it." Anthony said. "Why?"

Rayna turned over and dug in her purse. She presented Anthony with some papers. He took them from her and unfolded them. "What's this?"

"Hailey. The little girl." Rayna said. Rayna explained to Anthony the little girl's story. "Anthony, if you actually sat with this little girl, you'd feel the same way I do."

"How about this? Tomorrow when you get off of work, I'll pick you up and we'll go to the orphanage and we'll both see about this Hailey. Then, we'll talk it over during dinner at that seafood restaurant we both like." Anthony said.

Rayna nodded.

The next day, Rayna and Anthony both took the drive to the orphanage. Anthony actually got to formally meet Hailey and saw why Rayna was so taken with her. She was the definition of adorable. Even with barely any teeth, she still had a million dollar smile. Hailey was like a doll that came to life. Anthony saw in her the same thing he saw in his children. He and Rayna both agreed she was complete angel and that she was a godsend and they wanted her.

"Anthony, we have to adopt her." Rayna said holding her in her lap and playing in her curls. "She needs a family."

"So who do we talk to?" Anthony asked to the woman who was sitting with them.

Though it took some months, Hailey had a new home with the Steele's. Rayna took one of the guest rooms and turned it into a princess themed room for Hailey. She was every bit of their daughter as Ivy, Sawyer, and Junior were their kids. They loved her like she was of their loins. Regardless if she was adopted, both sides of the family loved her. Ivy, Sawyer and Junior welcomed her as if she came from the same womb they did.

Anthony was excited to finally raise a child from infancy up to until their time to fly the nest. This was the one thing he wanted and it didn't matter if she wasn't his blood daughter. She was his and loved her dearly.

Rayna was all the more excited for having another child. She loved the pitter patter of feet in the house. She didn't mind having Hailey sleep with her and Anthony on some nights. Hailey was her baby and she'd give an arm and a leg for her. 

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