Family Photo

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"Are you ready?!" Rayna yelled up the stairs. Anthony came down the stairs with his tie in hand. Rayna smacked her lips and motioned for Anthony to come towards her.

"You already know that you are the only one that can do this." Anthony said giving her the tie.

Rayna shook her head and laughed as she tied Anthony's tie. "I might as well do your ties even in death."

"You probably will, baby." Anthony said giving her a kiss.

"I thought I was the baby!" a three year old Hailey said from the couch.

Anthony motioned for her to come to him. Hailey jumped off the couch to run into her daddy's arms. Anthony lifted her up, making rocket ship noises. He spun her around a little bit before letting her rest on his hip. "You ready to go, princess?"

"Yes." Hailey said.

"Okay. Let's get the princess in her carriage." Rayna said. Once they got Hailey strapped in, they were off to the photographers. The kids had been joking that they were picture perfect family and it would nice to take a family portrait. Rayna and Anthony finally took them up on their offer and set up a session to take a family photo.

They all arrived at the same time. Rayna told the kids to have silver on. She felt it was only right since their last name was Steele and steel is silver. Anthony, Sawyer and Junior had black suits and silver ties. Rayna, Ivy and Hailey had gray silvery dresses. Rayna chose a black background so they stood out.

Rayna did a once over at her family before conforming with the photographer that they were ready.

Anthony and Rayna were sitting together and had placed Hailey in Rayna's lap. 

"Mom, you know we were kidding about the whole photo kid right?" Junior said as he got in his place for the photo.

"Well, guess what? You spoke it into existence. Now, you're going to take this photo." Rayna said.

"It wasn't just me. It was Ivy and Sawyer, too." Junior groaned.

"I was actually serious." Ivy said taking her spot behind her parents.

"I just wanted to see what was going to happen." Sawyer said shrugging.

"Doesn't matter. We are all going to smile and take these photos." Anthony said.

"Photos? More than one?" Junior whined.

"Yes, Junior." Rayna said. "Now smile for the camera."

They took the first few pictures as a group in different positions. Then they let the girls take pictures. First, it was Ivy holding Hailey. Then it was Ivy and Rayna. Afterwards, Rayna did a photo with Hailey. Finally, the girls did a photo together.

The men had to go next. Anthony took a picture with each of his sons then with his daughters. Finally, he and Rayna took a picture together.

For the final picture, they did one more group photo and decided to close out their day with dinner. 

"So, it's back to Baylor soon, eh?" Rayna said. Junior didn't like being at University of Texas without his siblings. He closed out his first semester and hightailed it to Baylor. They offered him the same deal and Junior was eager to take it and be reunited with his family.

"Yeah. Spring Break has been fun but, it's time to go back after this." Ivy said. 

"Yeah, it was nice being home." Sawyer said.

"I just missed Mom's food." Junior said.

"Find a girl that can cook and you won't have to." Anthony said. "Take it from me." Rayna gave him a look and he responded with a wink.

"He may have." Ivy said. Smirks with around the table. Anthony looked to Rayna.

"Is there something we should know?" Rayna asked.

"Or someone?" Anthony said.

"Ooooh! Junior and a girl sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Hailey teased.

"Hush up, little squirt." Junior said picking up one of her fries and tossing it at her.

"Junior? Is there a girl we should know about?" Rayna said.

"Sawyer, too." Ivy said.

"Can you keep nothing a secret?" Sawyer said.

"You spilling our tea. We might as well spill yours, too." Junior said. "Ivy's been sneaking around too."

"Look, can someone give us names or are we ever going to see this person or what?" Rayna said.

"Soon, Mom. Be patient." Junior said.

"No, I want names." Anthony said.

"There was Ayana. But,'s Kahlil." Ivy said blushing. 

"Have you spoken to Esmeralda know?" Anthony asked. Ivy's first girlfriend, Esmeralda, ended up cheating on her during the end of their senior year. Ivy was extremely hurt but, she didn't want to dwell on it. She loved Esmeralda but, had to let her go. They talked from time to time but, it wasn't the same. When Ivy went off to college, she wanted to spread her wings and see who could fly with her. She meet a girl named Ayana but, she wasn't the one for her. Then she had this friend names Kahlil that was an athlete and shortly after the failed attempts with Ayana, her and Kahlil were hitting it off.

"Last we talked was a month ago." Ivy said shrugging. "Sawyer's next."

"Ophelia." Sawyer said. "Meet her at the library. You'll love her."

"Bring her home soon. I don't want my first time meeting her with you two already engaged." Rayna said.

"Yes, ma'am." Sawyer said. "Junior, go."

Junior sighed. "Her name is Taylor. She actually wanted to come here and meet you guys but, something came up with her family."

"Alright. We know the names, they better be the same names when they come down here." Anthony said.

"They will be. We don't move that fast." Ivy said.

"Better not." Rayna said.

At the end of the day, Rayna and Anthony quickly got Hailey to bed. They sat outside lounging, relaxed.

"Have you enjoyed your day, baby?" Rayna said.

"Everyday I spend with you is a blessing. I don't think I've ever had a bad day with you. Never will." Anthony said playing in her hair. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." Rayna said leaning up to kiss him. She pulled away from me and smiled. "Dance with me." They both got up as Rayna changed the song on her phone which was connected  to the bluetooth speakers. She played their song and tossed her phone back into the grass. Anthony held onto her waist as Rayna wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm glad I'm spending the rest of my life with you." Anthony said. "I don't think I'd want to be anywhere else but, here."

Rayna smiled. "You love me so much you don't know what to do with yourself."

"You're right. I probably wouldn't." Anthony said. 

"I love you, too." she said swaying with him.

"Can we take this upstairs?" Anthony said starting to get in the mood.

Rayna laughed. "Of course." she said. She brought him for a kiss then whispered in his ear. "You have to do something for me, first."

"What's that?" Anthony said.

"You have to wake up." Rayna whispered.

Anthony blinked and when he awoke he was back in his old bedroom with a young Rayna sitting on the side of him. "Time to get up, honey." 

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