Not Like This

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Sawyer and Anthony awoke early even though they did not have to be a practice until later. They laid in bed watching a movie until Ivy came bursting in. 

"What is it?" Sawyer said hopping up.

"Come look!" she said. Anthony Jr. and Sawyer followed their sister. She put a finger to her lips, telling them to be quiet. They tiptoed down the hallway and to their mother's door. Ivy carefully pushed it open. Sawyer and Anthony Jr. looked in to see clothes all over the floor and their parents under the covers. Rayna was latched onto Anthony with his arms wrapped around her. Their mouths dropped open and they looked to her sister.

"Did they really?" Sawyer asked, whispering.

"Yes." Ivy said nodding.

"Son of a bitch." Anthony Jr. said. "That was quicker than I thought."

"They went at it last night." Ivy said. "I surprised they didn't wake you guys up."

"Ivy!" Sawyer scolded.

They saw their mother start to stir. The kids quickly closed the door and ran back to their rooms. The sound of the door woke Rayna up. She studied her surroundings. Everything came rushing back. She clutched the sheets over her chest and looked at a knocked out Anthony. She cursed under her breath and sighed. She really slept with him. This was not what she wanted.

Rayna hurriedly got in the shower and washed away last night's escapade. She was regretting everything. The sex was beyond amazing but she shouldn't have slept with Anthony. He was looking for love and care. Rayna was willing to give it to him but, not like this. Deep down Rayna did love Anthony but, she could not just jump right into a relationship with him. 

Anthony woke up and was a little disappointed to see that Rayna was not in his arms. He stretched and saw the bathroom door fling open.

"Good morning." he said to Rayna.

"Put your clothes on. You need to go." Rayna said picking up his underwear and tossing it to him.

"What's wrong?" Anthony said surprised.

"You need to go before the kids wake up and find out you spent the night." Rayna said. She was walking around frantically picking up his clothes and putting them on the bed.

"Hey can you talk to me for a second?" Anthony said getting out of the bed and putting his boxers on.

"No, Anthony. We don't have a lot of time." she said. Anthony walked over to her and kissed her. Rayna pulled away and shook her head, pulling away from him holding her.

"What's wrong?" Anthony said. "Did I do something?"

"I can't do this." Rayna said.

"Can't do what?" he asked.

"This!" Rayna said pointing between the two of them. 

"Last night, you told me you loved me." Anthony said.

Rayna sighed. She couldn't deny words that came from her heart. "Anthony, please just get dressed so you can get out of here."

"No. Rayna, what are you trying to tell me? What was last night to you?" he said.

"Anthony, we shouldn't have done this." she said shaking her head.

"Rayna, be clear. Last night, we made love. Is that not what you wanted?" he said pointing at the bed.

"No, it wasn't. I care about you. I care for you but, that was a mistake. And I take full responsibility because..." Rayna said.

"I'm not some child, Rayna. We slept with each other on purpose. If it wasn't supposed to happen then it wouldn't have. However, it did." Anthony said. "I won't deny what we did here. We did that out of the love we had for each other. There's nothing wrong with that."

"You don't get it." she said getting frustrated.

"Do you love me or not?" he asked.

"Mom?" Ivy called.

Rayna went the door and cracked it a little. "Give me a second." She shut the door and turned back to Anthony. "I have to go make breakfast for the kids." Without another word, Rayna left Anthony to his lonesome which hurt him. Anthony came downstairs after getting dressed to see Rayna busily putting something together for their children.

He crept up behind her and put one hand on her waist. Rayna whipped around and put her hand to Anthony's chest.

"Stop." she said sternly.

"You love me." Anthony said.

"Can you please go back to whatever hotel you are staying at?" Rayna said.

Anthony leaned in and kissed her. He pulled her in close so she could not escape for him. Rayna tried to remain strong but, there was no way out. She kissed back with no solution. Anthony pulled away and looked into her eyes. She had softened a little from her previous defensive self.

"I love you, I do. But, not like this." Rayna said.

"Why? What is keeping you from me?" Anthony said.

"Mom?" Sawyer said. Anthony backed away from Rayna and they looked to see their kids standing in front of him.

"You spent the night?" Junior asked towards Anthony.

The kids were trying to hide the fact they had already seen them however, Rayna and Anthony already had that parent intuition thing going and knew the gig was up.

"He was just going." Rayna said. Anthony looked over his shoulder at Rayna. He contained his discontent and told his kids he'd see them later on in the day. Rayna walked him out and he gave her one finally look before leaving.

Rayna came back to finish cooking the food for her kids.

"So, spill it. I know you kids know something." Rayna said stirring the eggs.

"You're the one who needs to spill. You were the one who did the nasty, not us." Junior said. 

Rayna threw her utensil down and turned to him with a look that would turn him to stone and a hand on her hip.

"Okay, look Mom. You don't have to feel ashamed about what you did." Ivy said.

"If you love Dad, it's fine." Sawyer said.

"It has nothing to do with if I love him or not." Rayna said turning away from them.

"Then what is it? Dad loves you and you love him." Junior said.

"Grown folks business, kids." Rayna said.

Rayna remained silent as continued making breakfast. She wasn't going to entertain this, not today. She was replaying last night over in her head and how she should've stopped Anthony. However she didn't and now she had to pay a price for sleeping with him.

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