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Rayna looked on at her children in the entry way. They were dressed in formal wear for their birthday party. Ivy, Sawyer and Junior were finally eighteen years old. To Rayna, it seemed like an eternity. Anthony was just happy to see this birthday. He missed out on so many others but, was happy to see this one.

"Alright. Junior, fix your shirt. On three, kids." Rayna said holding up her phone. She counted to three and took the picture of her kids.

"Okay, let's get to this party." Anthony said. 

The triplets' birthday party was being held at a steakhouse. They were surrounded by friends and family. Rayna was truly proud of her kids. It seemed like they had grown up so fast. She felt like she should still be reading them bedtime stories and making them lunches for school.

"You okay, Rayna?" Anthony asked taking her hand.

"Yeah. I'm just..." Rayna sighed. "They aren't babies, now. I just now realizing that."

Anthony kissed her cheek sweetly. "Yeah. Wish I could have seen it. I'm glad I'm here though. I wouldn't want to be any place else in the world."

Rayna smiled at him. "Just...they're 18. 18. It seems like a really long time." 

"Yeah. It really has been, hasn't it?" he said massaging her hand.

"We could have been what, 23 years?" Rayna said.

"I'm not thinking about what could have been. I'm thinking about now. I'm thinking about us." Anthony said. Rayna leaned in and kissed him.

It was getting close to the end of the party. Rayna got in front of all the guests and tapped her knife on her glass. Everyone gave her their undivided attention.

"First and foremost, I would liked to thank the friends and family in attendance. It has been a true pleasure having everyone here to help celebrate this very special day for us. It seems like so long ago I had just given birth to the three best blessings that God could ever give me." Rayna said. "And I and their father, Anthony, are truly grateful for them everyday. It's been an absolute gift to be their mother and watch them grow. And as much as it pains me to say it...you guys aren't my babies anymore." She smiled thinking about how far they have come and all of their accomplishments. "But, just because you aren't babies anymore doesn't make you grown."

Her comment earned a laugh from her audience including her children. "Ivy, Sawyer, Anthony Junior...know that I love you and no matter how old you are or where you go, I'm always going to be your mother."

The kids got up and went to hug their mother. She worked hard for them to have all they have now and they loved for it. They were only going to have one mother and that was Rayna. Anthony got up and took the microphone.

"I'm no longer ashamed to admit this. I wasn't here all of their lives. But, what I got to be here for I am forever thankful. My children are a true dream. I am extremely happy and privileged to say I'm their father. These kids are all I ever wanted and then some. I'm proud of them and I'm glad they have made it to 18 years of God-given life."

Everyone clapped and sang happy birthday to the triplets. The kids had thanked their parents for the party and got ready for bed. 

Anthony got Rayna a glass of wine and offered it to her. "Oh, no." she said. "No more. Anything else with alcohol in it and I will be even more tipsy."

Anthony sat down next to her, setting the wine down on the coffee table. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Just thinking." she said.

"About?" Anthony asked taking her hand. Rayna smiled and kissed his hand. They shared a loving, tender kiss before Rayna pulled away to speak.

"I love you so much, Anthony." Rayna said softly.

"I love you too, Rayna." Anthony said caressing her cheek.

They shared into the each other's eyes, embracing the moment. "God, I'm lucky to have you." she said.

Anthony laughed. "Now, just how much alcohol have you had tonight, again?"

"Enough to make me what to ride you until next year." she giggled.

"Okay, let's get you to bed." he said getting her off the couch. Anthony ran her a warm bubble bath with some Epson salt so Rayna could relax and get a good night's sleep. Anthony caught a quick shower for himself and made sure Rayna was comfortable while laying in bed with her. They whispered little sweet things to each other like they were young all over again. Rayna slowly drifting off to sleep as Anthony ran his fingers up and down her arm.

Rayna was fast asleep in bed as Anthony watched her. He went in his nightstand drawer and pulled out a small jewelry box. He opened it to see Rayna's old engagement ring. He made a few additions to it. He added diamonds to her band and got her initials engraved on the inside of the band. He carefully took it out of the box and slipped it onto her left ring finger. Rayna began to stir. Anthony watched her mumble something and ease back into her sleep. He kissed her hand and slipped out of the bed.

Anthony went to his kids' rooms and knocked on the doors. They came out, clearly not sleep.

"Did you do it?" Ivy said excited.

"Yes. Now, you guys have to help me. What's set up for tomorrow?" Anthony said.

"I already called the place. They'll have things arranged by the time you get there." Sawyer said.

"And, I have the photographer set to show up at the time you gave me." Junior said.

"And I have Mom's outfit picked out and ready." Ivy said.

"The musician will be there and has the correct music to play." Sawyer said.

"Also, the meals were be prepared and served like you asked." Junior said.

"Okay. And what about before all that?" Anthony asked.

"Her spa appointment is at nine o' clock and should keep her busy until two which gives her the perfect timing for her lunch." Ivy said.

"We'll be here to let the flower guys in and have everything set up." Sawyer said.

"And her transportation is set." Junior said.

"So, we are set for tomorrow. I'm hoping everything can go off without a hitch." Anthony said.

"We got you, Dad." Ivy said.

"Mom will love everything you've planned for her." Sawyer said.

"This will be great." Junior said.

"Let's hope so." Anthony said. He was going to propose to her all over again. It was like he was young again giving his queen his happy ending.

The kids went into the boys' room after saying good night to their dad.

"Do you guys realize what is happening?" Ivy said excited.

"Of course, Dad is proposing to Mom again." Sawyer said.

"It's obvious, Ivy." Junior said.

"No. But, do you guys know what tomorrow is?" she said jumping up and down.

"What?" the boys said in unison.

"Tomorrow would have been Mom and Dad's 23rd anniversary! This is absolutely the most romantic thing I've ever seen! Don't you guys remember what she told us?!" Ivy said. The boys remembered their mother saying that their birthday was a day before the day they met. It was like a fairy tale. And that's just how the story is going to end.

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