The Alternate Ending

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So, guys...we're back visiting this story again. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I want to do an alternate story. I had a lot of ideas of what I wanted the sequel to be and part of me feels the released sequel was a bit too storybook. I want to do a new storyline, going back to the first book of PITG and re-doing it from there (just to the last chapter). No one get confused though! Passion In The Game 2 will remain as the official sequel but the alternate I am doing is what I wish I had thought about or what I wish I had done instead of what was read. In this part you will get a snippet of what is to come.

It had been a struggle. After all this heartache and tribulation, Rayna cried tears of pure joy. She could finally give birth to a beautiful baby, put an end to this depression and bring Anthony back to her. They could be happy. It was hard and stressful but, now the dream was coming true. She could give Anthony the ultimate gift. The one thing Anthony had always wanted could finally be his. Their lives were going to be perfect.

Anthony picked up his phone when he got in his truck. He dialed Ariane's number and sighed. He put the phone to his ear and held his breath. After the usual number of rings, Anthony got her voicemail. "Ariane...we need to talk. Call me." He hung up and sent a text to Rayna, letting her know he was on his way home.

Anthony drove home and walked into his house. Teenie was chewing on her toy, being a happy dog. Anthony knelt to rub her head, but Teenie pulled away. She had grown apart from Anthony as he pulled away from Rayna. She knew what he was doing and didn't want to indulge him. Anthony sighed and walked off.

He walked into the kitchen and saw that Rayna had cooked one of his favorite meals. Lemon pepper chicken, pasta shells, green beans and roasted potatoes. She must have just finished because everything was still so warm.

"Rayna!" Anthony called. He needed to talk to her. He needed to do this now while he had the courage. Anthony was ready to come clean and admit everything to his wife. He walked upstairs and was met by Rayna in the hallway.

"Hey, baby!" she said with a huge smile and giving him a big hug. "I have a surprise for you!"

"Look, I have something...I need to tell you." Anthony said removing her hands and holding them tight.

"Okay, you go first!" she said bursting with excitement.

Anthony walked her to the living room on the second floor. He sat her down on the couch then sat on the foot rest across from her.

"Listen, I really need to say this." Anthony said.

"What's up?" Rayna said practically bouncing in her seat.

"I honestly don't know how to really put this so I'll just..." he started.

"I'm pregnant!" Rayna blurted out.

Anthony stopped in mid-sentence. He was confused and shook his head. "What? Pregnant?"

"I'm sorry. I know you wanted to talk but, I couldn't hold it!" Rayna said pulling on her wedding ring.

"You''re pregnant?" Anthony said not believing what he was hearing. Rayna bit her lip and nodded. "As in we..."

Rayna kept nodding. "Yes!" she said.

"As in with child. My child?" he said pointing at himself.

Rayna nodded more. "Anthony, you're going to be a father." Anthony picked her up and spun her around. Rayna laughed as Anthony kissed her neck. He held her tight and close. He smiled so hard that his bottom lip split. He was getting the one thing he was praying for. Anthony was the happiest man in the world, but he remembered. He was supposed to come clean about Ariane. While he held Rayna, he got this chill down his back. Rayna was pregnant with his child. There was now no way he could continue his affair with Ariane. However, now he couldn't tell Rayna the truth. This may have to haunt him for the rest of his life but, there was no way Anthony could tell Rayna the truth. He had to break it off with Ariane and keep his life with Rayna and their incoming baby.

Passion In The Game 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant