I Want To Fix This

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Rayna had dinner on the table and there was an empty space for Anthony. He was late. Anthony was never late. He was doing this on purpose. Rayna checked her phone only to see that Anthony had ignored her calls and text messages. He was clearly angry with her. She didn't want to upset him or drive him away. Rayna really just wanted to help Anthony and all she had done was do more damage. 

"Kids! It's time for dinner!" Rayna yelled.

The kids came down the stairs. "Where's Dad?" Ivy asked confused.

"He said he'd come back tonight." Sawyer said.

"Has he called you?" Junior asked.

Rayna looked at her children's faces. It was breaking her heart to see them looking like lost puppies left on the streets. That's all they wanted. Have their family complete and she had pushed this man out.

"I'll call him. See where he is. You guys go ahead, say grace." Rayna said motioning to the table.

Rayna went into the foyer and called Anthony's number. "Pick up, pick up. Please, Anthony." She got nothing but, his voicemail. She smacked her lips. "I don't know if you are listening to my messages or not. If so, know that the kids are waiting for you. Please be on your way." Rayna hung up and took a deep breath. Rayna saw a set of headlights brighten up her front yard. She opened the door and went outside to meet Anthony.

He walked up, looking nonchalantly and laid back. "I've been calling you." Rayna said.

"I left my phone here." he said bluntly going into the house, passing her and giving her no affection.

Rayna followed him and watched his attitude change for emotionless to happy and ecstatic when he stepped into the dining room.

"Hey kids!" Anthony said going to hug them. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"What held you up?" Ivy asked.

"Ah, that's not important. I'm here with you guys now. That's all that matters." Anthony said taking his seat at the table. Rayna came to sit down. During dinner, he found a way to talk around her. Rayna didn't like how she was being ignored, especially in her own house at her own table. That's what she got for being so cold to him.

After dinner, Rayna was left to clean up while Anthony and the kids were upstairs in the game room. She got this sense of loneliness, something that came too offend from her past. Once she was done, Rayna joined her family. She watched them laugh and be merry. Still, Anthony gave her no acknowledgement. Rayna desperately wanted Anthony to at least look her way.

It was getting late and the kids had practice the next morning. They told their parents good night and headed off to bed.

"Well, I guess I'll get going now." Anthony said clapping his hands and standing up.

"Wait, no. I want to talk to you." Rayna said.

"Oh. Now, you want to talk." he said rolling his eyes in discontent. 

"Anthony, I'm sorry. For this morning." she said. "I'm being difficult, I know."

"Yeah, you are." Anthony said. "I'm going to get my phone after that, can you walk me out?"

"Can we talk about this morning first?" Rayna said.

Anthony passed up the question, heading down the hallway to get his phone. Rayna followed behind him. He went into the bedroom and retrieved his phone off of the nightstand and came back out into the hallway. Rayna was right behind him, following him like a dog on a leash and Anthony was simply pulling her along.

"Anthony, please. Let's talk. I actually want to fix this, okay? I'm sorry. I just..." Rayna started.

"You just what? You just can't admit what you feel. You let feelings get in the way of us, Rayna. If you can't be open with me then I don't see a reason to try for this." Anthony said still going for the door.

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